Chapter 1

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"Tori!" My best friend yelled as I was walking to my car.

I turned around to see him jogging to catch up to me.

"Hey Matt! You ready?"

"Hell yeah I am. Let's get our beach on!" He said as he climbed into my matte black 1969 camaro. One thing that I cherish the most is my car. My dad and I fixed it up a while ago before he left.

Amused, I climbed in as well and started to the beach.

It was two weeks before finals and we wanted to relax before we had to stress about studying. It's pretty much always hot here so summer came a little early.

The drive to the beach consisted of talking about what summer will be like and singing obnoxiously to songs on the radio.

"What's going on with you and Nate?" I suddenly asked smirking. Yes Matt's gay and yes so am I. We came out to each other at the same time. But we are the only ones that know about each other besides Matt's parents who fully support us. I'm honestly just too scared to come out to my parents.

"Shut up. There's nothing going on. We're just.. Friends." Matt said. I saw him trying to hide his blush.

"You're so lying! I can see your blush" He didn't respond and just stared out the window but I can tell he's smiling.

"You better tell me later" I said.

When we got there, there weren't many people. There are a lot of beaches so the smaller ones are usually not very busy.

We found a spot on the sand and set our stuff down.

"Ugh why the fuck did I wear sperrys? They're gonna get ruined." Matt complained. I just chuckled and started reading as he tried to get tanned.

{about 30 minutes later}

"Holy shit Tori look." Matt pointed to something in the distance. Or should I say someone.

She was beautiful. Her perfectly damp blonde hair bouncing off her shoulders as she walked up the shore, surfboard clutched in her right arm.

"Woah" I breathed.

"If I wasn't gay, I'd definitely do her." He said smirking at me. I shoved him

"You've always had a thing for blondes." Matt chuckled "You should go over there."

"What? And do what?" I asked incredulously.

"I don't know. Work your magic. Flirt with her or something" he suggested.

"Yeah okay I'll just go over there and say 'hey babe, I saw you in the distance and thought you were quite the catch.'" I scoffed at him

"Perfect! I'll even help you out." He started yelling and waving his arms and started towards her to get her attention. What the..?

"Wait! Matt! No stop!" I whisper yelled as I ran after him to stop him. "She can hear you!"

"I know." He grinned. Then his voice quieted down to a whisper. "She's coming over here." he smirked and then walked away.

My eyes went wide as I called after him.


"Hello." a female voice said from behind me. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment before turning around.

"Hi.." I said awkwardly with a small smile. She just stood there looking at me and it made me a little uncomfortable.

"Um, sorry for my friend. He was just doing that as a joke." I said turning around seeing him watching us but then turning when he saw me look.

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