Chapter 3

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The next day I woke up feeling better. I just had to stop thinking about her. I got ready and went down to eat breakfast. Mom and Steffie - my six year old little sister - were already sitting at the table.

"When is daddy coming back home mommy?" Steffie asked in her cute baby voice as I was getting juice out of the fridge.

"He will be home in a couple of weeks baby. He's still fighting bad guys but he's almost done. " Mom answered. My dad is a Marine so he's gone pretty often.

"Mom can I get a different tutor for bio?" I blurted.

She looked at me, confused with my sudden outburst. "Why? Yesterday you were fine with the one you have."

"Yeah, but she's not actually that good. I guess I was just in denial." I lied, joining them at the table.

"What's denial?" Steffie asked. I just chuckled.

"Give her a chance Tori," Mom said, ignoring Steffie's question, "Maybe she was nervous or something." Hah, her nervous. I don't think so.

"Please mom. I really want a different one." She sighed and thought about it for a moment.

"How about if you still feel the same way after tomorrow's session, you can pay her for the sessions you've had and we can find you a new one." She suggested.

"Yes! Thanks mom!" I said as I got up to put my plate in the sink and kiss her on the cheek.

"But you need to take your sister to school today. I have an early meeting " She said nodding to Steffie.

"Okay. Come on Steff. Go get your backpack, your coming with me this morning." I said to her.

"Yay! I'm going with sissy today!" I chuckled at her cuteness as she ran to grab her stuff.

I got my keys and bag and kissed mom goodbye then went to my car to wait for Steffie. She got in the back and sat in her car seat as I drove off.

"We have to pick up Matty first then I'll take you to school okay?" I said to her

"Okay! I like Matty." she said as I pulled up to his house. He saw my car and came out.

"Hey T." he said as he sat in the front next to me.

"What's up slut." I greeted as I started to Steffie's school.

"Hi Matty!" Steffie said.

"Hey Steff! How's my little monster today?" He said turning around in his seat to tickle her. She started giggling.

"I'm not a monster! Monsters are scary." She said. He laughed.

"Right, then how's my little princess this morning?"

"Good! Daddy is coming home in a couple of weeks!" She said practically bouncing up and down in her car seat.

"Really? That's great! I miss Mr. Hall." he said turning back around.

"He'll be home soon. I'm excited to see him. It's been almost 3 months." I said pulling up to Steff's school.

I got out and helped her out of her car seat.

"Say bye to Matty, Steff." I said as she was getting out of the car.

"Bye Matty! I'll see you after school!" She said as she was trying to get her backpack on her tiny body.

"Alright Steff. See ya! Have a good day at school!" He said before I walked her to her class.

When we got to her class she ran away with one of her friends Sofi. I told the teacher I was going to pick her up today then I went back to my car.

As I was walking out the doors of the school, I stopped in my tracks.

Oh fuck fuck what the hell is she doing here?? I thought.

I was trying to keep my head down so maybe she wouldn't notice me, but she saw me immediately. She was with who I assumed was her little sister.

"Tori!" She called. I silently cursed myself for being so noticeable. I put on the nicest smile I could muster. Trying to tame the butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh hi Haley! What are you doing here?" I said even though it was obvious.

"I'm dropping off my little sister. We're new to town so I have to register her." She responded. Flashing her perfect teeth along with a perfect smile.

"Oh, I just dropped my sister off too," I said, then bending down to the little girls' height, "what's your name?" I asked smiling. She hid a little behind Haley but she responded quietly, "Clarke." she said in her mini Aussie accent. I smiled at her.

"It's nice to meet you Clarke, I'm Tori." I said, standing back up again. Haley was just smiling at us and I blushed under her gaze.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Uhm, I better get to school. My friend is waiting for me in the car." I said after a moment.

"Okay," she said, "I'll see you tonight for tutoring?" I just smiled and nodded. We parted ways with a wave and I made my way back to my car.

I sat down with a heavy sigh that caused Matt to look up from his phone and give me a confused look.

"Are you okay-"

"Why is this happening to me?" I said suddenly

"Why is what happening?"

"She's always showing up wherever I am. And she has a little sister too! Who goes to the same school as my sister!" I said exasperated.

"Can we talk about this later? We're going to be late for school." Matt said. I sighed and started towards school.


"And that's who Charles Darwin was." Haley concluded. I just blinked a few times considering those are the only words I heard.

"Do you get it?" She watched me.

"Honestly? Not at all." I say embarrassed, purposely leaving out the fact that I wasnt really listening at all. She just chuckled.

"Were you really paying attention," she asked lightheartedly with a small smirk on her face, "I noticed you were a little out of it." A small blush made it's way to my cheeks.

"Uhm, I-just" I stopped there to refrain from embarrassing myself even more.

"It's fine, I was only kidding." She said with her accent.

After 30 minutes of talking about unecessary biology terms, it was finally over. I had to pick up Matt from his last period and Steff up from school. I didn't have a last period because I already had enough credits to only take 5 classes, but Matt still has to take all periods.

"Thanks for the help today. I'm learning more in this week than I have all year." I said gratefully.

"It's really no bother. I like spending time with you." She blushed a little, "I mean, helping you with biology is fun." she said slightly embarrassed. So the roles have reversed. I just smirked and started packing my stuff up.

"I'll walk you to your car." she said and my heart skipped a beat. She's offering to walk me out?

I got up and shot her a quick smile, not trusting my voice to say anything yet, before we started to walk to my car side-by-side.

We walked up and I unlocked the door. "That's your car?" She asked suddenly, "That makes mine look like a piece of shit!" I laughed at her comment and nodded.

"Yeah, my dad and I fixed it up together a while back and he gave it to me for my 17th birthday." I said proudly.

"Wow i'm jealous." She said. We both stood there awkwardly for a little bit then I decided to break the silence. "Do you want a ride somewhere? I mean you're going to pick your sister up right?" She smiled but shook her head.

"Thanks, but my boyfriend is coming to pick me up." She replied. I felt a tug at my heart but forced a smile anyways. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked hopefully

"See you tomorrow." She said. Then I got into my car and drove off with one last wave.

What is this girl doing to me?

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