Chapter 2

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Holy shit...

"Hey Tori!" She said in her Australian accent.

"Hi Haley." I said shyly with a small smile.
Is this really happening to me right now?

"Um, are you my tutor?" I asked her silently praying she wasn't. But my prayers came up short as she replied.

"I guess so." She said with a wide smile. We made our way over to her table.

"Okay. Where do we begin?" She asked

"Oh I have a packet to get through." I pulled it out and handed it to her.

I don't even remember the rest that happened during the session. I could not bring myself to focus on biology if Haley was my tutor. All I could think about was how good she smelled or how hot she was with her accent. Shit


"How was tutoring?" My mom asked me as I walked into the house.

"It went great! She really helped me." I lied. I had no idea what she was even saying. I know she was talking but I couldn't focus on the words.

"That's great honey! Aren't you glad I found her for you?"

"Uh, yeah sure. I'm gonna go study." I said going upstairs to my room.

As soon as I closed the door I called Matt.

"Hello?" He answered tiredly.

"Matt I have an emergency." I said through the phone.

"What is it? Are you okay?" He asked concerned

"No I'm not. This is terrible. you need to come over right now." I may have exaggerated a bit.

"Okay I'm on my way." He hung up. I sighed. How am I supposed to get through this and get a good grade on my final? I thought.

A few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. That was fast.

I ran down and told my mom that Matt and I were gonna study together. I opened the door and he said "What's going on?" As I pulled him in and up to my room.

"What's the emergency Tori?" He asked.

"Haley is my fucking tutor." I said and started pacing.

"Haley who?" He asked, confused.

"Hot blonde Australian surfer Haley. From the beach the other day."

"Are you fucking kidding me? That's your emergency?"

"Yes" I said simply and looked at him.

"Well what about her?" He asked with a sigh.

"I can't focus when she's tutoring me! I don't even know what she was saying! I couldn't pay attention to what she was saying I was just nodding but I didn't hear a word she said. And you knew how my mouth goes dry when I'm nervous and can't talk? Well that happened and I could only really think about how good she looked. " I explained

"You so like her." He smirked, laying down on my bed watching me pace.

"What? No I don't." I stopped in my tracks.

"You couldn't focus on what she was saying. You could only think about how hot she was. You were nervous. Your mouth was dry and you could only nod. Hate to break it to you hun, but you like her." I slumped down on my sofa and thought about that. He's right. Holy shit Matt's right.

"But I can't like her." I said

"Why not?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Because she's my tutor."

"Well only for a week. Oh! Let's stalk her on Instagram!" He said with a smirk. I just looked at him for a moment.

"Okay." I shrugged

"Yes!" He took my phone from my bed. "What's her last name?" I went over to lay next to him.

"Kristansen" I typed it in and Matt clicked on her profile.

"'Surfing California' interesting." He read her bio.
We scrolled through her profile and saw mostly surf and snowboarding pictures. We went all the way towards the bottom and saw that she went to Germany. I was about to go back to the other pictures but Matt tapped as well and I accidentally liked her picture from 153 weeks ago. My mouth dropped and my eyes went wide as I scared at the screen. Shit shit shit

"Oh shit." Matt said as he unliked it.

"Don't 'oh shit' me. Matt! Now she's gonna think I'm a stalker!!" I yelled at him. He just laughed and ran to the other side of the room.

"Accident. It was an accident. I'm sorry" he smiled sheepishly and put his hands up in surrender.

"I'm so gonna kill you." I jumped off the bed and started running towards him. He screamed and ran the opposite direction.

"Hey! It was an accident!" he said laughing while trying to get away from me. I tackled him to the ground. And we started laughing together. My door opened.

"Is everything alright in here? I heard running and yelling." My mom's voice filled the room.

"Yeah it's all good." I said getting up from the floor. "We were just... Studying." I said with a smile. Matt stood up too and smiled at her.

"Hi Mrs. Hall" he said

"Hello Matt. You two better get to studying." She said amused. Then she left.

"I'm still mad at you." I said pointing an accusing finger at Matt.

"I still love you." He said trying to hug me but I pushed him away.

I started looking through her more recent pictures that I haven't seen yet and I saw one with her and some other person so I clicked on it. My heart dropped. She was kissing some guy 2 days ago. It was captioned "My love 😊 @nickhullman " I put the phone down and silently went over to my biology book and flipped to a random page.
Matt noticed my change in mood and looked at the phone.

"Oh Tori." He said when he saw the picture putting the phone down and hugging me. "I'm sorry. I know exactly how it feels."

"It's fine. I don't care. It's not like I was expecting for her to be a lesbian right?" I said and laughed but he could tell it was forced.

He backed up to the headboard of my bed and spread his arms out for me. "I know you need some cuddles right now." He said. I chucked as I crawled into his arms.

We ended up watching movies until dinner was ready. After we ate, he had to go home. I just went straight to bed after he left.

Tomorrow's a new day right?


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