Chapter 5

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Tori's POV

"Fuck, I'm so screwed" I thought to myself as my teacher was handing out the biology final.

"You guys know the drill. No talking, no phones, no cheating. When you finish, bring your test to me and go back to your seat." He handed me my test.

This is going to be a long test.


Haley's POV

I looked out towards the horizon while I sat on my board. The water always had a certain way of calming me, that's why I spent so much time at the beach. I thought about my schedule next week. Monday was free, Tuesday I had surf lessons to teach, Wednesday and Thursday were free, and then my competition on Friday. There's supposed to be a big swell on Friday so I'm excited about that.

I found my thoughts going to Tori. Her biology final is today. She always seemed distracted during tutoring so I just hope it was enough for her to pass her exam.


After a good day if surfing, I decided it was time to head home for it was getting late.

"So, how do you feel now that you're done with junior year?" I heard a male voice say.

"Relieved. I just hope I passed bio. I could not survive if I had to take that shit again next year."

I looked over once I finished packing my stuff and saw Tori and her friend sitting on the beach.
They hadn't noticed me yet and I debated on whether to approach them or not. But they saw me before I could make a decision.

"Oh hi Haley! I was just talking about my biology final." Tori said

"Oh really!" I said incredulously. "How do you think you did?"

"Alright," she shrugged, "I just hope that I got at least a passing grade. You helped me a lot though"

"I'm glad to hear."

There was a bit of an awkward silence after that so her friend spoke up.

"Hi, I'm Matt. Tori's best friend." He got up to shake my hand.

"I'm Haley. Tori's tutor." I said smiling.

"We sort of met the other day but I never introduced myself. But I've heard a lot about you"

I internally smirked. "Really? Good things I hope." I looked over at Tori and could tell she was a bit flustered.

"Only good things. Really good things." Matt insinuated.

"Matt!" Tori scolded. I laughed as Matt went to go sit back down next to Tori.

"Well I better get going. I have to pick up Clarke from daycare. Have a good rest of your day. And tell me how you did on your exam Tori."
I said as I started to leave.

"Will do." She said.

I just sat in my car when I received a call.

Hey babe it's me.
Look, I'm sorry for how I acted the other day. I really miss you and I think that you should come over so we can talk about it. What do you say?
I sighed, not really wanted to see him at the moment, but he was right. We needed to talk.
"Alright. Let me just pick up Clarke and drop her off at home and I'll come over."
That's my girl. I'll see you soon.

I hung up and then made my way to Clarke's school.


Tori's POV

"What was that all about? You made me look like a fool!" I scolded Matt.

"Hey I was just trying to speed up the process!" He said laughing.

"What process? There is no process."

"Well you guys are gonna date, and then get married, and have kids, and I will be their uncle. It'll be the perfect life."

"Shut up." To be honest that kind of freaked me out. I wasn't ready for all of that. I'm only 17.

We stayed at the beach a while longer but it was getting late and I had to get home.

After I dropped Matt off at his house, I was on my way home when my mom called me.

Tori come home right now.

"Mom? What's wrong?"

I'll tell you when you get home. Oh dear

"I'm on my way."

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