LMR: 007

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007 - Chey's POV

"It feels nice here, Kai." I hugged myself as the wind blew. Shame on me, I'm still wearing my pajamas and a thin shirt, "But, it's kinda cold."

"It's okay, I'm here. I could be your jacket." He hugged me tight from behind. I could feel his head rested on my shoulder. Now, it feels warmer.

I don't know what exactly are we doing here at the rooftop, but I'm happy. We don't need to do something, just standing close to each other is enough as we watch the busy hi-ways and beautiful lightings from stoplights and buildings.

My childhood dream was to watch the sunrise with the one I love. But I guess, this is more like it. I may not be watching the sunrise, but I'm with the one I love right now.

I don't know what this guy did to me, but one thing is for sure... I just love him.

"Have you ever heard about the story of an angel who broke the law of heaven and fell inlove with a human?" He suddenly asked.

"Hm? I've never heard something like that, though. Why?"

"The angel chose to be with the guy even if she knew she would one day disappear. It's tragic."

"No, I think it's beautiful." He faced me as I said that, "She still chose the guy she loves, right? And that what makes the story beautiful."

I saw him smile, "Well, now that I think about it... Yeah, it is beautiful."

After a short silence, I called him one more time, "Kai, would you still choose to love me... even if you would one day disappear, just like the angel in the story?" I bashfully asked him.

I don't want to expect something big from his answer, but at least, I wanted to hear what I want him to say.

He hugged me even more tightly, "Of course. I'm living in this world to love you. And even if I would disappear from this world, I would still love you, even from afar." I felt sincerity in his words.

I don't know, but I think I'm blushing too hard right now. I can't help myself. My heart is too weak for this. But, at least, I feel contented.

"How about you, babe? Would you still love me, even if I would disappear one day?" He seriously asked.

I'm confused. Why would he use I instead of You? Will I still love him even if he would be disappearing one day, is that really his question?

Just thinking about it makes my heart sink. It suddenly made me sad.

I was about to answer him when I heard someone called my name, "Chey! Stand back! You're going to fall off the building!"

"Janet? What are you doing here, sis?!" I was so shocked to see her here, what is she doing here? Did she perhaps follow me or something?

"You, why are you standing there? You're not safe there." She carefully walked up to me, "Come down here, sis!"

"I can't, Janet. Kai's with me!" I faced Kai who's still holding my arms tightly, "I'm safe, don't worry. Kai won't let me fall!" I said to my bestfriend who was worriedly-looking.

"Please, I'm begging you, Chey!" I saw Janet's eyes were starting to water, "I can't let you stand there, alone! So, please, come down here."

"I told you, I'm not alone!" I faced Kai once again, "Kai, say something!"

"I'm sorry sis, but you made me do this." As Janet said those words, a group of people come out from their hiding.

"Who are they, Janet? And what is the meaning of this? Why are those people here? Why are you here?" I asked confusingly.

I really can't grasp what kind of a situation is this. I don't understand. I'm starting to feel dizzy.

"Kai..." I started tearing up, "I'm scared."

"Don't be. I'm still here, baby. As long as I'm here, you'll be fine."

I managed to smile, thanks to him.

"Chey! You're going to kill yourself, so please come here now."

I'm starting to get annoyed by Janet. What is she saying?! She's really getting into my nerves now.

"I wasn't planning on killing myself before you arrived, though. But since you mentioned it, I might as well do it!" I immediately hugged Kai who was still in front of me, "As long as you're here with me, I'll be fine." I whispered facing him.

I heard Janet shrieked when we were about to jump off the building. It doesn't matter now. I just want to be with Kai, forever.

But someone held my arm and pulled me back. I was so surprised that I let go of Kai. And he... he fell off the building, alone.

It takes just a little while before I realized that.

I tried insisting the guy who held me back to let me go, but I wasn't able to do so because I was too weak.

"Kai!!!!!!" I screamed in between tears. I should be with him! I shouldn't let him go!

As I had the chance to be freed by this guy holding me now, I was able to run to the edge of the rooftop, where Kai fell.

But, I felt my heart rose again as I saw him clinging into the rail. He was alive. He didn't fell. He was still here, "Kai!! Grab my hand!"

"Cheyyy!!!" Someone grabbed me instead and pulled me again, leaving Kai hanging, "Nooooo! Kai!"

"Chey, you can't do this! Why are you being like this? Get a grip!" I heard Janet sniffing as she was holding me tightly, never letting me go.

"Kai! You need to save him! Save him!" I desperately called, "Please! Janet! You need to save Kai! I love him! I want to be with him! Save him, please..." My breaths are getting heavier by the moment.

I can't take this. I might be dying here any minute because of too much pain. Why aren't they saving Kai?! Why are they just standing here and watching me wail like a kid?!

"Why are you all being like this?!!" I struggled in the arms of my bestfriend, "If you don't want to save Kai, let me go and I'll save him!" But Janet was still holding me tight as ever.

I was choking in tears as I continue to call his name. But before I knew it, I lost my consciousness.

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