LMR: 009

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009 – Janet's POV

That night, I decided to sleep over at Chey's house. I need to confirm something.

The doctor said she might be suffering from an illness wherein she might be confused of what's real and unreal.

Because of her parents' death, she had suffered from depression that almost killed her. She became too scared to face the world alone. She became too weak.

She desperately felt the need to have someone by her side. At the very least, someone who's willing to be with her 24/7.

And that's why she created Kai. She created an illusion of an ideal boyfriend to at least fill in the empty spaces inside her heart.

Arrgh, this makes my head hurts even more. I feel so sorry for my bestfriend. She's so lonely that she had to create her own imaginary boyfriend. Is that even possible?!

Yeah, sometimes, I create mine too, but in Chey's case... She took it seriously that made her believe Kai was really her boyfriend and that she's seeing her for real.

It became out of hand. It already became her illness. Oh, my poor sis.

"Is your boyfriend... coming over, too?" I asked her. The doctor said I need to cooperate for the meantime.

"Nah. I don't think so." She pouted, "If he would be coming over, at least he should be here by now. I'm really worried, sis."


I sighed and patted her shoulder, "I am more worried about you, Chey."


It was in the middle of the night that I think I heard Chey sighing heavily, "Kai, please, be safe."


What now? It's becoming more worrisome. I barely saw her went out of the room. I followed her from behind, carefully.

"I-I miss you, Kai. I want to see you." I heard her talking on the phone once again that made me cringe.

For heaven's sake, that guy's number doesn't exists! So, he is! Nothing related to that guy exists!

I called the medic team of the hospital I inquired for Chey. We followed her, until she went up to an unknown building's rooftop. Now, what is she thinking in the middle of the night?

I saw her hug the cold air, but I get it now. She also do skinships? With her imaginary boyfriend?

Even though I saw this numerous times, I still can't believe my eyes. We decided to observe her more while hiding. Just in case.

"You need to watch her carefully. There would be times she would act recklessly and might be risking her life without second thoughts."

I was alarmed when I suddenly remembered what the doctor said, "Chey! Stand back! You're going to fall off the building!"


She faced me, "Janet? What are you doing here, sis?!" Of course, she was shocked.

"Come down here, sis!" I begged for goodness's sake.


"I can't, Janet. Kai's with me! Kai won't let me fall!" This is getting more and more outrageous.

No matter how much I constantly warned her to come down, she would still insist on staying with her non-existent boyfriend. Any minute by now, she could fall and die. She's standing at the edge of the rooftop alone for heaven's sake!

I secretly told the medic team to come out already before it gets more dangerous for Chey. Of course, she was surprised. She looked frightened. I'm really sorry, sis.

"Chey! You're going to kill yourself, so please come here now." I tried to calm myself, though tears are continuously coming out from my eyes.

"I wasn't planning on killing myself before you arrived, though. But since you mentioned it, I might as well do it!"


"Noooooooo!" I shrieked.

Before she was about to fall, one guy from the medic team was able to get a grip of her, and pulled her to a safer place. My heavy breaths are getting slower, I feel relieved.

I seem like I just hopped out from the gym because of sweats dripping all over me. I almost freaked out at Chey's reckless action. I wanted to get mad at her, but I know I can't.

"Kai!!!!!!" She caterwauled as she struggled to be freed.

I'm once again shocked when she was able to run again to the edge. I was alarmed that I ran after her and grabbed her so tight. I can't let you ruin your life for your illusions, Chey.

She desperately called, "Kai! You need to save him! Save him! Please! Janet! You need to save Kai! I love him! I want to be with him! Save him, please..." She's nonstop pointing her finger in the air, as if pointing to someone.


Tears started to overflow. My bestfriend looks so pitiful right now. She doesn't deserve this. She can't be like this. I can't let her live like this anymore. I wanted to help her.

I'm starting to think that this is my fault. I should have given her the comfort she needed when she was struggling alone. She's so lonely. She's so desperate.

But... I wasn't there for her, no one else was. And I'm calling myself her bestfriend? Pathetic me. I don't deserve to be called her bestfriend.

"Sir, can you please give her the shot already?" I said to one of those medics as I am still struggling with Chey in my arms.

"Why are you all being like this?!! If you don't want to save Kai, let me go and I'll save him!"


I'm sorry, sis, but you need to rest. It's been a long tiring day for you. Now, sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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