LMR: 008

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008 – Janet's POV

"Doctor, I... I think my bestfriend is sick." I hesitantly said, but I believe this will be the best for my sis.

"Tell me more about the details." The doctor asked me.

"I oftentimes caught her talking to herself. It's getting creepier." Goosebumps run down my spine. Just thinking about it makes me cringe.

The doctor nods, making me continue, "I saw her once when we were in the library..."


"Sis, do you have any more books you want to borrow?" I was about to ask Chey but I heard her call a guy's name.




It made me curious so I thought of eavesdropping.


"Aish! Where have you been?" I was so shocked when I saw her swing her hand as if she was hitting the air. Who is she talking to?


There's no one beside her, though. Is she playing by herself?


She's even smiling, this girl. What is happening to her? Is she imagining things? Like green stuffs? She's blushing deep red.


The doctor listed something on his paper, "Anything else? What about everytime she's alone in the house, anything unusual?"


"Very unusual, sir." I answered, "Because I was so curious, I asked my friend for the footage of her apartment's cctv camera..."


"What are you up to, Janet? Why do you want the footage at Chey's apartment?" My friend asked before he handed me the flashdrive.


"I just wanted to check something, nothing important." I immediately got the flashdrive from his hands, "Thank you, Ryan!" I rushed back to my house.


I turned on my laptop, and watched the footage.


"Just what the heck is she doing?!?!"  I gasped. I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.


Now, she's even eating imaginary food?! What was Chey doing with her life?


She's talking to herself, and even eating imaginary food with imaginary utensils. And look how happy she was, she's giggling. She's being lovey dovey all by herself!


I can't bear to watch this anymore.


"Doctor, I can't let my bestfriend live like this." I exclaimed, "Oh, and I remember one more thing, sir..."


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