champagne problems

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Ashton was stood by the window as he watched Luke's family and friends dancing as they celebrated the birthday of Luke's brother. They were all smiling and laughing together, which made Ashton smile as well. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle of joy as he watched Luke playfully lift his niece into the air and twirl her around.

Luke's eye met Ashton's, and he smiled. He held out his hand inviting Ashton to join them on the dance floor. With a smirk, Ashton walked over to Luke. As they began to dance, Luke spun Ashton around and he let out a laugh. Luke then dipped Ashton in his arms and kissed him on the lips causing Luke's friends to cheer making Ashton blush.

Luke helps Ashton stand up again and Luke's wallet drops from his pocket onto the tiled floor. Luke's niece quickly grabs it and opens it and stares. Ashton watches her let out a mischievous chuckle as she looks up at him with a grin, like she just discovered a secret Luke was keeping from everyone. She walks up to him and taps Ashton's arm lightly, "He has a photo of you" and she lets out another giggle, Luke smirks with amusement at the child and crouches to her level.

"Well, Poppy, that's because I have loved Ashton for four years now, so carrying this makes me feel that his with me everywhere I go" Luke says, smiling as he looks at the photo while he takes the wallet off her.

Ashton smiles as he remembers the photo in Luke's wallet. Luke had stolen Ashton's polaroid camera and snapped a photo of Ashton playfully modelling Luke's oversized hoodie to the camera.

Ashton glances away from his boyfriend and notices Luke's mother and sister-in-law. They're looking at him and chattering to each other smiling. He looks away but sees Luke's bandmates, Calum and Michael smirk to each other and glance at him. He felt that he was missing out on something, as if all of Luke's closest people got together to talk about him.

Then the thoughts flooded Ashton's head, maybe he was missing out on something.

He realises that Luke had been keeping something for him. Lately, when Ashton would walk into the room while Luke was on the phone, Luke would quickly change the subject. Luke's family were nice but in the four years they've dated they've being treating Ashton extra special recently, Luke's aunt even helped Ashton pick out the blazer his wearing today.

Ashton's heart was beating fast and time was moving slow. He thought about how many times Luke had been talking about marriage and weddings recently. Ashton wasn't ready for marriage, he thought him and Luke agreed that getting married didn't mean anything except for paper work. He had watched friends get married and then a few months later they were expecting a child. Ashton didn't want kids, he didn't even know how to interact with Luke's nine year-old niece.

Luke looks up to Ashton and Ashton can feel a lump in his throat. Luke raises an eyebrow and takes Ashton's hand and continues to dance with him. Ashton tries to calm down, convince himself that the thoughts aren't happening and to enjoy the moment with his boyfriend. Yet he can't. So Ashton lets go of Luke's hand. "Maybe later" he manages to say, and he goes sit down on the side. Leaving Luke confused as he watches Ashton sip on a drink.

Little did Ashton know, Luke's breathing was matching Ashton's, his nervous too. Today, he plans to propose to the love of his life. He had always wanted to be someone who gets married but wasn't entirely sure about the concept of marriage. However, his brother and family had convinced him recently that they would be happier if they got married, plus Ashton would be legally be in the family. When he had watched his older brother get married a few months ago, he saw them become happier. Luke now wanted that happiness and hoped that Ashton might want that happiness in marriage too.

The friends and family are now sat around the long dining table as they eat dinner, Ashton watches and sits in different conversations.

"Ashton, could you help me bring some drinks out?" Luke's mum asks, as she sits across from them at the dining table. Ashton nods, when his getting up he sees her wink at Luke out the corner of his eye.

Once they're in the kitchen, she clears her throat. "You know he loves you so much?" she tells him setting some glasses down on the counter.

"Yeah, I love him so much too" he responds, watching her smile to herself.

"And we consider you as family. You've made him so happy" she says as if she's confirming that Ashton is the one for Luke, seeing if he ticks the boxes one last time.

"I know, I'm grateful" and he picks the glasses up and leaves the kitchen, ending the conversation. He notices Luke's not in his seat and he places the glasses down in his spot. His about to sit back down as he notices everyone is either looking or trying not to look at him.

"Ashton" Luke's voice comes from behind him. Ashton spins around on his heel and watches Luke kneel down onto one knee. His heart stops for a second, a minute, forever.

"I have loved you since I first saw you and I will continue loving you for the rest of my life. Will you marr-"

"No-no" the words stumble out and the room goes quiet. Ashton swears it was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. He watches Luke's smile fall and he feels his own eyes begin to water.

"I-I'm sorry. I can't" he says, feeling overwhelmed and panic wash over him. Unsure what to do, he feels himself begin to walk away. He turns his face away from Luke's not wanting to see his love's heart break in the palm of his hand. He looks around and he sees everyone's faces shocked, sad, stunned, mad.

His walk turns into a run, as he notices a Dom Perignon bottle shining in the light which was placed amongst the coats by the front door. A gift tag dangles from it, reading "Luke and Ashton".

He opens the front door, sprinting away accepting the fact that the family knew that Luke was going to propose today. He was also coming to terms with the fact that he would now be a villain. He was a villain for not being ready, for not giving them a reason for declining the proposal. The fact that he has now left Luke heartbroken and a group of people nothing to celebrate, but something to talk about.

Meanwhile, Luke was left stunned, speechless. The love of his life just ran out on him, leaving him on one knee, holding his family's ring out to the air. His heart was breaking inside of him, his eyes now becoming soaked. The sound of the front door slamming brought him back into reality. He slowly glanced away and turned to his friends and family who were watching him, unsure on what just happened or what to do.

Luke's aunt speaks trying to break the silence with a positive thought, "He would have made a lovely husband, but his obviously not ready, maybe if you go and follow him you can-"
Luke's brother interrupts her, "Don't do that. Something's not right with Ashton, I have always said that it's a shame his a bit fucked in the head" and the coldness of his voice echoes throughout the room. His sister-in-law gets up silently and quickly leaves the room.

She slowly walks back in with the champagne bottle that Ashton had spotted before he left. She pops the champagne bottle open, spraying in front of her. She shakes the liquid that drips off her hand and rips the gift tag off throwing it onto the ground.

"Well we may as well still drink" she says and the room lightens up a bit, even though they try move on there is a sense of darkness in the room.

Luke is now sat in the corner of the party, he watches his guests get drunk, dance or laugh with each other. He fiddles with the gift tag he picked up from the floor. His heart tears itself apart and he places the tag into his pocket while he finishes the bottle of champagne.
Meanwhile, Ashton is sat on the local train. He sits by the window and leans against it wiping a tear of sadness and joy.
As they both try to leave behind all these champagne problems, which one day they both won't remember.

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