Chapter Twenty Eight

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Harry hadn't been entirely honest with Louis.

He did find a gift from Nick in his locker. A Christmas gift, wrapped with an elegant red bow.

A golden bracelet. Engraved with a reminder of his past mistakes.


One Year Ago


Harry couldn't find Joey anywhere. He never came home the night of the incident, and Harry refused to go over to Genia's place to look for him.

He didn't have to look. Harry awoke to a short couch slumber to see Joey in the doorway, a huge smile on his face.

Harry didn't want to shatter it. And he didn't have the chance.

Genia came up right behind Joey, holding up her left hand.

There was a ring.

"We're getting married!" Joey cried, sweeping Harry up in a hug. Harry caught Genia's gaze over Jo's shoulder, an eyebrow raised in an invisible threat.

"Congratulations." Harry said, tears brimming his green eyes.


Present Day


Rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet were going well. Harry was glad he and Louis were on the same cast, especially after their Apollo disaster. Oh, how times had changed.

Harry would rather have an angry, pranking Louis as his double cast than Nick. Who is in all his rehearsals. All the time. Breathing down his neck, getting into his space. Since Nick was here as a guest artist, he was treated as a principal and ranked higher than Harry. Any complaints he had would be brushed off, and he would be deemed "difficult to work with."

Poor Gigi was not thrilled with this arrangement, either. She was having trouble connecting with Nick (especially after the pointe shoe fiasco), and he had already dropped her. Twelve times. In three days.

Cowell blamed Gigi every time, telling her she needed to make it easier for Nick to lift her. Harry was hoping he imagined Gigi's wince after he said that to her. It was really a shame this was such a shitshow, because the ballet is beautiful when done properly. Cast B, with El and Liam, were doing astonishingly well.

They had wonderful chemistry, and their dancing was only enhanced by it. Harry was excited to see how it developed in rehearsals. The pair seemed pretty serious about one another, especially since their romance was revealed to the company. They had all been super excited, and Harry was too. If he ignored the twinge of jealousy.


This thing with Louis was the first time Harry had ever done friends with benefits, and he was loving it. It was like having a boyfriend, without all the extra pressure.

When he awoke in the middle of the night to see Louis snug in Harry's bed, it was comforting. Things were never weird between the two of them, even with them being co-workers and all.

"You're my best friend." Harry whispered to still sleeping Louis, who just let out a soft snore in response. Harry chuckled quietly. He pulled Louis closer and shut his eyes, for a few more blissful hours of sleep.

Ever since Harry and Louis had been two hours late for work, they've been extra careful with the alarms. Both of them purchased analog alarm clocks, digital alarm clocks, and set extra phone alarms. This led to a terrifying morning experience.

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