Chapter 5

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Chapter song: Better Than Revenge- Taylor Swift

"Do you need me to stay over for moral support?" Violet asks as we walk to my apartment. 

"I think I'm good, but thanks," I reply.

"Okay, but you better text me if you need anything. Forget him, he's a loser," she says enthusiastically. I wouldn't call him a loser because we never even dated, but I know she's just trying to make me feel better.

We say bye and I shut the door. Now is my time to reply to John.

I don't think I necessarily like him like that, but the thought of making Michael even a little bit jealous makes me happy.

I reply to John's message.

Taylor: Oh really?

I start playing my Spotify playlist for some background noise as I wait for a reply. The first song to play is "Red" by Taylor Swift.

I check the time, it says it's midnight. For reference, it's Monday night. Michael could either have gotten really drunk and blacked out, or he could have taken Brooklyn back to his place and...

I stop myself. I shouldn't be thinking about him right now.
I look back to my phone to see John replied to me.

John: Have you reconsidered going out with me?

I think about what I'm going to say for a moment before replying.

Me: Yes I have. Where and when do you wanna go out?

John: How about Tuesday for lunch at Olive Garden? Around 12:30 work for you?

Me: I'll be there :)

I just got myself a date with one of the most popular guys in school, and it was rather easy. I guess he really does want me. Conveniently enough, we have the day off tomorrow.

I put down my phone and was about to go to sleep when I realized "Head Over Heels," by Tears For Fears, started playing. I usually thought of Michael while listening to this song, but now that might change.

I had a peaceful sleep last night. Considering I found out my crush was canoodling with another girl the night before, I'm handling it very well. The realization hasn't completely hit me yet.
Speaking of him, Michael texted me.

Michael: hey, sorry we didn't get to meet up last night, I got a bit carried away

Me: carried away kissing Brooklyn?

Michael: what? How do you know about that?

Me: I saw you guys making out while I was outside with a few friends lol

I had to lie. I don't want to give him the satisfaction that I was looking for him.

Michael: oh, yeah I guess you could say we're kind of a thing now

Me: That's nice, I'm happy for you. Speaking of dating, I'm going out with John tomorrow

Michael: I thought you said you weren't into him?

Me: Well, I guess you could say I kinda had a change of heart. I'll see how it goes.

Michael: okay, just be careful please. Me and you both know he's a big player. You might get your heart broken by him.

Me: don't worry, I know what I'm doing.

As if I didn't already get my heart broken in the last 24 hours. I always thought he would get jealous of other guys because he liked me, but I guess that's never been the case. Although I really don't know why else Michael would act like that. Does he just genuinely not want to see me get hurt by another guy, or does it go deeper than that?

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