Chapter 8

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Friday (fast forward 3 days)

"He was totally flirting with me!" Ava exclaims while we're eating lunch in the school cafeteria.

"Ava, he asked you for your homework answers. I think he's using you," I say while looking at her long blonde hair and ocean eyes.

"Yeah, I agree with Taylor on this one," Brandon adds. He has short jet black hair and light green eyes.

"Can you guys let me be delusional just this once?" Ava asks in annoyance.

"There's plenty of other guys out there that don't just want you for your work answers, believe me," Daniel tells her, with his deep brown hair and chestnut eyes.

Violet, Brandon and I giggle in unison. We all know Daniel has the biggest crush on Ava, she just hasn't figured it out yet.

"Oh guys, I completely forgot to tell you; I was at Michael's house on Tuesday and John texted me. He said he saw my Snapchat location was at Michael's house and wanted to make sure I was okay there. Michael and Kimberly thought it was weird, but I think it was just a coincidence," I explain, "what do you guys think?"

I need multiple opinions on this, I get paranoid sometimes.

"Dude, that is so creepy," Violet tells me in disgust.

"Why would that be creepy? He just so happened to see that her location was on," Daniel objects.

"Yeah, I don't find that weird at all. I do it all the time, and that's on purpose," Ava adds with a little laugh.

"That is some stalker-like shit, Taylor. If I were you I'd be careful," Brandon tells me.

As the three start bickering over the topic, I look around and spot Michael and Brooklyn sitting and talking at a distant table. They look kinda happy together.

The more I look at them, the more questions I ask in my head.

How did this relationship even come to be? Like, were they close before this, or did that stupid party bring them together? Do they even have stuff in common like Michael and I do? Why do I still get butterflies in my stomach when I see him, even though I want to be with John?

My mind just can't let it go, I need to snap out of it.
Forget about Michael already, I like John. John, unlike the other guy, is clearly into me. I've gotten to know him better over the past few days because we've been talking nonstop, and he's actually super nice. I want to start a relationship with him.

Although it feels like there's this invisible string that's connecting Michael and I for some reason. I can't put my finger on it or explain it properly, but I feel like this isn't over with him. I still feel a strong connection to him, but it doesn't have to be romantically.

I get snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rings.

"Alright, well we can continue this conversation tomorrow," Brandon says as he leaves.

"Were you guys still talking about John?" I ask Violet with a concerned expression as we walk to our classes.

"No, we were talking about (insert controversial topic) and the fact that you were staring into nothing for a good ten minutes," Violet says and laughs, "I'll see you around Tay Tay!" She says as she walks to her class.

As I make my way to physics class, I get stopped by John.

"Hey Taylor, you got a minute?" He asks, walking alongside me.

"Yeah, we're almost at my classroom anyways," I reply, suddenly getting butterflies in my stomach.

"So I mean, I feel like I've gotten to know you pretty well.." he starts as we stop in front of my class, "and I was thinking if we could become official?" He asks as he nervously runs his hands through and flips his hair.

I'm glad he finally asked.

"Of course," I say with a big smile on my face. I haven't smiled like this in a long time, and it feels good.

John suddenly pulls me in and kisses me before letting me say anything else.

I turn bright red and look at him for a moment, his angelic blue eyes staring into me. I can't believe he just did that.

Then the bell rings, giving me barely enough time to process the fact that John became my boyfriend and kissed me in under 5 minutes.

"Well I'll see you around, Taylor," he says, checking me out one more time before walking away.

I walk into class and find my seat, still smiling like an idiot and my heart still racing from being with John. My smile turns into a frown when I see Brooklyn sitting a couple desks away from me.

I must still be blushing, because she's looking at me with a concerned look on her face. It's none of her business what just happened to me.


Class has been going on for 20 minutes now, yet I still can't seem to focus. Each passing minute I grow more anxious thinking about me and John. After asking to go to the washroom, I uneasily get up and walk through the hallways. I only feel better after locking myself in a stall.

"Why am I feeling this way?" I thought to myself. I'm usually never this anxious about anything. Maybe it's different because I'm dating someone now? Am I afraid of commitment? It can't be that, I just have a really bad feeling in my stomach right now...

I want to be in this relationship, I really do. So why do I feel this pit in my stomach just thinking about it?

I stop myself there. I'm thinking about this way too much, I need to get out of my head.

This is just normal anxiety, and I'm losing class time because of it.

After completely calming myself down, I walk back to class and act as if nothing ever happened. The only evidence being that uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's probably nothing.

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