Chapter 10

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See what I did there with the song HAHAAHHA

As I pull up to the house, I see Kimberly already standing at the door waiting for me.

Taylor!" She exclaims as she pulls me in for a hug, "I'm so happy you're here, let's go to my room!"

As she drags me inside, I look around and get bombarded with nostalgia. I've spent a lot of time here with her and Michael, especially in middle school. I consider their family my own, as they were the ones taking me in when my home life became unbearable.

Their house is only a short walk away from our old middle school, so most days I would walk home with Michael and Kimberly and hang out with them until I walked down the street to my house that evening. Sometimes it would get late and I would sleep over, and I remember at one point I started bringing a change of clothes in my backpack just in case. They would always tell me the guest bedroom was my own, and Ive been spending Christmas with them for years since my grandparents don't even decorate for the holiday. I began to realize just how much of a burden I must've been to their parents as they were always taking care of me, but they always saw me as their third child and had no issues with me being over so much. They knew that my grandparents weren't the best people, so they always took me in without questioning.

As we walk up the stairs to Kim's room we hear Michael's bedroom door open, followed by hushed talking between him and Brooklyn.

"Hey Taylor," he says, immediately flustered seeing what I'm wearing and looking me up and down.

Right as I'm about to say hi, Brooklyn whispers something to him and pulls him back in his room. I could barely see her from the doorway, but I saw the quick glare she gave me before turning around and shutting the door.

"Did you see her glaring at you Taylor? That's because you're dressed better than her. I saw that look my brother gave you, by the way," Kim says with a smug look on her face as we go into her room.

I giggle at her before she continues, "just so you know, I'm aware you're both in happy relationships or whatever. I just wish Brooklyn was out of the picture because I can't stand her, she acts like the main character in a y/n x one direction fanfiction! I don't know what my brother is thinking."

"That seems rather specific to say about someone, don't you think? I'm sure she's a nice person," I reply while sitting down in her hanging chair.

"It's the total opposite, actually. She's always hanging out here or going out somewhere with Michael, to the point where it's like, too much. At least to me it is. I hate her," Kim says sourly, "it's like an invasion of everyone's privacy. Suddenly she's staying for dinner or she's in the living room making herself at home. You're like family to us, so you can do all those things, but definitely not her."

It was at this moment I realized that she really does despise Brooklyn. I thought at first kim was just upset that Michael and I weren't together, but I guess it's deeper than that. She feels that this girl is invading their personal space.

As much as I tried to reassure her, she just kept complaining. It came to a point where all I could do was listen to her ranting.

"Anyway," Kim says after 30 minutes of ranting about Brooklyn, "you said over text that Michael hasn't been talking to you the past couple days?"

"Yeah, you know we usually talk every day but it's been a minute and he just seems, I don't know, distant? I saw him at school and he didn't even say hi to me," I explain.

"Oh, it's probably because you're dating John," Kimberly replies casually.

"What?" I say as I look at her confused.

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