Chapter 7

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Michael: Hey, wanna come over and hangout soon?

I cannot believe what I just read. Is he that jealous?
Then again, I live for the drama. If I want to find out anything about Michael, I can just ask his little sister Kimberly. She's in grade nine, just a couple years younger than Michael and I. She's been shipping us together for years, so I couldn't imagine what her reaction would've been like if she found out that Michael was taken.

Kimberly sees me as an older sister, and she tells me everything. Maybe sometimes even too much, but I don't mind.

If she knows anything about Michael and Brooklyn, she would be the first to tell me, so I don't think it would be a bad idea to hangout there for a bit.

Me: Sure, what time should I come over?

Michael: whenever you're ready

I quickly refresh myself before leaving the dorm building and finding my car. I unlock my black Honda Civic and get inside. It's a pretty decent car, I can't complain. I'm grateful to even have one.

As I drive, I think about why Michael would want me to go over today of all days. I just got home from a date with John, he knows that.

I wonder if he told Kimberly. I know she would flip her shit if she found out we were both in relationships and it wasn't with each other.

After about 10 minutes on the road, I parked in Michael's driveway.

I didn't even have to knock on the door for Kimberly to open it and be the first to greet me. It happens every time.

"Taylor! It's been forever since you've come by!" She says as she runs up to excitedly hug me. She has light brown hair, just like her brother, that goes down to her collar bone. Unlike Michael, Kimberly has these beautiful almond coloured eyes. Excluding the eye colour, they look like they could be twins.

"Kim, it's only been 3 days," I smile while hugging her back.

"Three days too many, now come inside!" She exclaims while dragging me in.

That's when I see Michael.

Michael, with his short fluffy brown hair and emerald green eyes that look into my soul.

Those eyes are what always got me. I could stare at him forever.

"Hey Taylor," Michael says, "wanna hangout in my room?"

"Yeah sure," I reply as I start to follow him.

"I'm coming to make sure nothing PG-13 happens up there!" Kimberly teases. She always does that.

"Oh, shut up," Michael grudgingly replies. He's walking in front of me, but I can tell his face is red.

"Don't worry, I know you have a girlfriend," she replies annoyed, then she turns to me and whispers, "unfortunately!"

"Taylor is taken too, you know. You and John are a thing now, right?" Michael asks as we enter his room and sit down on his bed.

I hesitantly nod. I don't know if I can say we're actually dating yet. Kimberly looks at me like she's been betrayed.

"Dude..I don't know if I can trust you guys anymore," she says somewhat jokingly.

We both awkwardly laugh at each other. Kimberly log to tease us, but I guess it's a bit more awkward now that we're both in relationships.

"Anyways," Michael starts, "how was the date with John earlier?"

"It was actually really nice," I happily reply, "We both had a good time."

"That's good," he nods and tries to smile.

"Ugh, boo," Kim chimes in while leaning up against my shoulder.

I giggle before saying, "and what about Brooklyn? Have you guys seen each other since last night?"

His sister talks before he can even open his mouth.

"She came over this morning. Oh my God, Taylor, she's so annoying! I can't believe my own brother is with her."

"Yeah, she disapproves, but you don't have a say in what I do!" Michael says to her. It seems like they've been arguing about this all day.

After about 30 minutes of talking, I get a text from John.

John: Hey, I was just checking your location on Snapchat and I saw that you're at Michael's house. How's everything holding up over there?

I stare at my phone for a good minute, a mildly shocked look on my face.

"What's wrong, Taylor?" Michael asks me.

Kimberly looks over my shoulder and reads the text, "he was looking at your Snapchat location? How weird is that?"

"That sounds kinda concerning," Michael slowly says.

"I'm sure it was just a fluke. He probably just happened to see my location and wanted to check up on me," I say, trying to reassure myself.

"You keep telling yourself that girl, but if you go missing or something we'll know who did it," Kimberly tells me, although I can't tell if she's joking or not.

"Kim, don't joke about that stuff," he replies angrily.

"Guys relax, it's probably nothing," I reply as I cut off their bickering.

Me: yeah, Michael is my childhood friend. There's nothing between us, don't worry about it :)

That's honestly all I can think of typing. I have a right to hangout with other guys, but I guess I can understand why he would text me about it.

Although I don't really know John that well yet, so I'm going to make a mental note of this situation. Just in case.

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