Chapter 9

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While finally leaving my physics class, I get greeted once again by my now boyfriend.

"Hey, are you busy tonight? I was wondering if you wanted to hang out," John says as his dazzling blue eyes stare into my soul.

We just got together today and he already can't wait to hangout with me. I think that's cute.

"Sorry, I have a lot of homework to do tonight. How about sometime this weekend?" I ask, trying to make it up to him.

As I'm talking, I can't help but notice Brooklyn staring daggers into me from across the hallway.

"That works for me. I'll text you," he replies as he kisses my cheek and leaves.

I feel like this is going way too fast for my liking, but I guess this is how relationships are. I will say though, John seems like a nice guy and I'm willing to give him a chance.

As I'm walking out of school, I coincidentally end up right next to Michael and Brooklyn. Michael didn't dare say a word which kind of hurt, and Brooklyn once again gave me a dirty look. I don't know what their problems are, but I think I can say that I have officially lost all romantic feelings for Michael. Not like Brooklyn would let me like him anyway if John were out of the picture, considering how possessive she is of him.

After a few moments of awkwardly walking next to each other, she grabs Michael's arm and pulls him away. I consider feeling bad for him, but I quickly disperse the thought because he chose to be with her in the first place. He chose to make out with her at that party, and most importantly, he chose her over me.

At home

I decided to call Violet, as I haven't really updated her with anything going on recently and we needed to catch up.

"So, what's new with you Taylor?" She asks me enthusiastically.

"Well, I've been talking to John and.. he asked me to be his girlfriend today," I say.

There's a long silence on the line until she processed what I just said.

"Oh my God, are you serious? He's actually a good person??" She says in shock.

"Yeah, I mean I think so. I'm willing to give him a shot."

"Well in that case, I'm so happy for you Taylor!! I have to ask though, what about Michael? What's going on with him?" She asks, her tone changing from excited to curious.

"I've lost feelings for him. He hasn't even texted me recently, which is weird because he used to every day. I also saw his girlfriend glaring at me while I was talking to John at school, and when I ended up walking right next to him, he didn't even look over," I explained to her, feeling a lump in my throat while talking.

"Oh, that's weird. You guys have been friends for a long time, there's no way he's just going to ditch you for a girl. Unless she's that controlling of him, which is honestly pathetic on her end. Whatever Taylor, you're better than that. Enjoy being with John, don't let what Michael is doing affect you," she reassures me.

"Yeah, it's just hard because he's one of my closest friends and-" I suddenly get an incoming call from John.

"Listen, John's calling me. Can I answer and text you later?"

"Go ahead girl, keep me posted!" Violet exclaims as she hangs up.

"Hey, are you with anyone right now?" John says as soon as I answer the call.

"No, I'm just doing some homework," I lied, "why?"

"Okay good. You don't happen to be too close with Michael, do you?" He asks ever so casually.

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