Chapter 11

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Sunday morning

John and I decided that we would just hang out at his place for a few hours.

He offered to pick me up, but I'd rather drive alone so I can listen to music. We'll have lots of time to talk anyway.

As I pull up to the house, I check the address again to make sure I'm at the right place. He lives in a gorgeous mansion. No wonder he gets so many chicks.

I see John start to walk up to me after I get out of my car and my heart starts pounding.

"Hey babe," he says as he kisses me cheek.

"Hey," I smile at him, "you have a really nice house."

"Haha, thanks, I get that a lot. My dad is pretty loaded." He casually replies.

He opens the front door and I follow him inside. There's a grand entrance with two curved staircases, and what looks to be an antique chandelier that was probably passed through generations.

"Wow," is all I could say. I was in awe.

"Almost all the parties you hear about are held here. It gets pretty crazy. Do you want anything to eat or drink?" He asks.

"No thanks, I'm good," I reply.

"Okay, just let me know if you want anything. Wanna go to my room?" John says, smiling at me.

"Sure," I say while blushing. He has a really nice smile.

While walking to johns room upstairs, I see at least 5 other doors that I assume are either bedrooms or rec rooms.

"The first door to the left is a game room," he says ever so casually, "that door to the right is my brother Sheldon's room, but he's in university so I made it another game room," and the list went on. My mouth was open in shock the whole time.

After practically giving me a tour of the whole second floor of the house, we finally get to his room. It's massive, and I don't even think he knows what to do with all the space. His bed is directly across from the door, and there are two big windows on either side of the bed that give lots of sunlight. To the left there's his washroom and walk in closet, and to the right there's a desk with a PC and shelves on either side.

And in the middle of the room, for some odd reason, is two couches facing each other with a coffee table in between them.

He brings me to the couch and we sit down next to each other.

After about an hour of talking about school and other miscellaneous topics, I decided to try and get information about John and Michael's past friendship. I'm super nosy and I need to know why Michael hasn't told me anything thing about it. John thinks Michael and I aren't close anyways, so I can definitely get something out of him.

"So, this is really random," I start, "but I thought about what you told me not long ago about how Michael isn't to be trusted. Why is that?"

He pauses for a moment and thinks about what to say.

"I told you already, I know him well enough to know that he's nothing but an asshole," he bluntly replies.

"Were you close with him at some point?" I ask, even though Kimberly already answered that for me. I just want to see if he gives me a different answer.

"Yeah, kind of, but it was a long time ago and I cut him off because he was being a dick and talking crap behind my back," he sourly says.

At this moment I decided that I should just give up on trying to get answers out of him. No matter what I do, he will not budge.

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