Hook, Line, and Sinker

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–[Present Fairy Tale World]–

We were all making our way back to Haven to deliver the news about Lancelot and to try to figure out a new way home.

"I don't know if I can do this. I'm not a very good liar," Aurora told us.

"Oh, it's not really a lie, Aurora. Lancelot did die an honorable death, and Cora did escape. All true. Just leave the particulars to us," my sister told her. I mean it is all true. "There's no reason to cause unnecessary panic amongst your people."

"I'm not so sure it's unnecessary-" Aurora tried to rebuttal but she was interrupted by Mulan.

"Wait. The tower – we always have sentries guarding the entrance." We all looked up at the empty tower. "Stay close." She unsheathed her sword as we all followed behind her.

"Oh my God..." my sister stated as we all ran into the town just to see destruction and dead bodies.

We all looked around the place to try to figure out what happened.

"This can't be... Our land... We were protected here – hidden. How did the ogres find us?" Mulan questions, completely confused and in shock.

"Ogres didn't do this," my sister told Mulan as she looked at the bodies closely. I looked too and saw that they all had their hearts ripped out, the violenter way.


"It was obviously Cora. I mean the missing hearts are a dead giveaway, she is the 'Queen of Hearts' after all. She also wanted us to know it was her because usually magically removing a heart leaves no mark but she wanted us to see that the hearts were actually missing," I explained to them all.

"We have to stop her," my sister said, letting her leader side show.

Mulan just kept staring at the bodies, in shock, "Too late. She killed them. She killed them all."

"Well, we have to stop her before she hurts anyone else!"

"Hey! Hey! Look!" Emma suddenly called out, which caught all of our attention. She moved towards a pile of bodies where we could see small movement.

"There's someone under there," Aurora called out as she helped Emma.

Aurora helped the man stuck under the bodies and as they turned him over I saw the face of a man I had not seen in a little over 28 years. Well, well we meet again Captain.

"He's alive,"  Aurora called out.

"Please," fishHook pleaded.

"It's okay," my sister assured him.

"Please, help me."

"It's okay. You're safe now. We won't hurt you."

FishHook finally calmed down his 'panic' as he stared at us all. When his eyes met mine, though, he seemed to actually panic, "Thank you. Thank you." We kept eye contact, waiting to see who would make the first move.

–[Fairy Tale World]–

—Regina POV—

I had thought hard and long on what Rumpelstiltskin told me, about figuring out what I truly want. I knew what I wanted now, more than ever, I just don't know how to tell him.

It doesn't matter though because right now I have a lesson with the man. I am currently in his castle preparing to learn new potions. I had just gotten the supplies and everything set up and was waiting on him.

"Are you ready to begin?" I asked Rumpelstiltskin as I approached him, where he was spinning straw into gold on his spinning wheel.

"Oh, I've been ready. The question is, are you?" he questioned me. What is that supposed to mean?

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