The Beanstalk Nightmare

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–[Present Fairy Tale World]–

We walked all the way to the giant beanstalk. We looked up at it to examine it closer.

"It's a little freakier than I remember from the story," Emma commented.

"Reminds me of death," Mulan added.

"Encouraging," my sister and I said at the same time, which made me smile at her.

"Well, your compass awaits. Shall we?" FishHook started walking towards the bean stalk with us following.

"Wait. If these beans create...portals, why not just pick one and go home? Why the compass?" Emma asked since she of course knows nothing about the actual stories of our world.

We all stopped in front of the beanstalk as FishHook answered Emma's question. "Because there aren't any more beans. Whatever story you think you know, my dear, is most certainly wrong."

"There was a guy named Jack, and a cow, and something about evil giant with a treasure and a golden goose. ...Or harp."

I rolled my eyes at the real worlds version of the actually tragic tale but then again the version everyone says in fairytale forest is also wrong. "Listen, the real world always over romanticizes and simplifies the actual stories. Now there are two different versions of what actually happened. If you ask me I'll tell you the story of human betrayal, a dark twin, lost family, and a giant who didn't deserve what happened to him."

FishHook cut me off, "Which is wrong because the little Light One always wants to see the best even in the worst of creatures. The actual story is that the giants grew the beans, but, rather than use them for good, they used them to plunder all the lands. Jack, was a man who fought a terrible war, defeating all but one of the evil giants. The beans were destroyed by the giants as they died. If they couldn't have their magic, then nobody could. It's really very bad form." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Evil giants, who made magic portal beans? Why doesn't anyone just go up and grow some more?" Emma asked.

"Because one giant survived. The strongest and most terrible of them all. And we'll have to get past him to-" FishHook started explaining but was cut off by my sister.

"The magic compass."

"Indeed. The treasure remains, and amongst it is the compass. Now it will guide us to your land," FishHook pointed at us. "Cora has the means to open a portal with the wardrobe ashes, but she can't find your land without the compass. Once we get it, steal the ashes from her and we're on our way." So simple.

"How do we know you're not just using us to get the compass for Cora?" Mulan asks skeptically.

"Because you four are far safer company. All I need is a ride back. I'll swear allegiance to whomever gets me there first."

"Of course you would because you swear allegiance to whoever gives you the best options," I commented with an eye roll. I then glared at him as I walked closer. "You know I'm surprising myself for saying this but I wish you had actually done what Regina told you to do so we wouldn't be in this situation," I harshly whispered to him so no one else would hear.

"Then we'd better start climbing," Emma said trying to redirect our focus to the problem at hand.

"Right, so... I failed to mention that the giant enchanted the beanstalk to repel intruders," FishHook told us  awkwardly.

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