The True Mark of a Wolf

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–[Fairy Tale World - Past]–

Snow, Red, and I were running through the woods to get away from the Evil Queens men.

"Oh, I think we lost them," Snow told us as she looked around while still running.

"Snow, wait. Wait!" Red called out as she slowed a bit, I of course followed her lead, she is the one with advanced senses after all.

From behind Snow we watched as a guard ran out in front of her with his sword drawn, "You can't run from the Queen, Snow White!"

Snow quickly twisted his arm to make him drop the sword while Red held him in a choke hold. Snow then hit him in the gut and head to knock him out. While they were busy with the guard I picked up his sword.

"Come on. There are more of them," Red told us as she started running in a different direction. We followed behind her with me taking the rear of the group. As we were running Snow stopped suddenly to look at her wanted sign that was plastered on a tree. She grabbed it and crumpled it up in anger while I impatiently waited for her to keep going. Once she was done we caught up to Red and hid behind some trees and bushes. The guards went right by without seeing us.

"It's okay. They're gone," Red assured us after a couple seconds.

I moved to sit in front of the two while Snow took out her wanted poster from before, "She's never going to stop, is she?"

"Nope," I answered simply as I inspected the sword I had picked up.

Red then catches our attention with her panic, " My hood... It's torn." Snow and I both instinctively reach over to check it out and comfort her but she pushes us both away. "You have to go. You have to get away from me."

"I'm..." I interrupted Snow with a 'cough' "We're not leaving you."

"There's a full moon tonight. Wolfstime is beginning. This hood is the only thing that can protect me from turning."

"It's just a tear. Maybe it'll still work," Snow tried to reassure her as I looked over the tear and tried inspecting the magic of the hood.

"What if it doesn't? You saw what I did to Peter. This thing, the wolf... When it takes over me, I can't control it. Please, Snow, Veronica. Find shelter. I'll go further into the woods and find a place to hide. For your own sake, we have to split up."

"I really don't think this is necessary. The magic seems intact to me and like I've offered before this could be a great time to work on your control," I offered up as a different solution.

"I don't want to risk it. Please Veronica can you not fight me on this," Red pleaded.

I sighed in defeat then looked at Snow with a shrug telling her it was her call. She looked at Red reassuringly, "Alright. But just for tonight. Let's meet up in the morning by the stream. And then we'll find a safe place for the three of us. Maybe a nice cabin in the woods."

"Why are you doing this?" Red suddenly asked us.

"Doing what?"

"Being so kind to me. You saw what I did as a wolf. It's what I am."

"I know that's not who you really are. We're in this together, Red."

"And like I've told you before you just need to learn to control your wolf and not fear it. Therefore I have nothing against your wolf. But all that matters now is that we're with you all the way Red no matter what you need," I added. Snow then helped Red put her hood on and she ran off.

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