Whirlpool of Events

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–[Fairy Tale Land - Past]–

I was reading in my room waiting for Regina to
 tell me what she needed me to do. I had already finished all my other tasks of the day and I was really hoping she didn't have anything else for me to do. I didn't get my wish though as I felt Regina summoning me. I poofed to her room where she was fixing up her makeup.

"Please tell me you only summoned me to tell me that I have the rest of the week off from any duties," I begged as I looked at her through her vanity mirror.

She smiled slyly at me, "Now why would I do that? You are way to useful to me to give you so much time off."

"See you would do that because you secretly care about me and the fact that I am tired," I retorted back.

She barked a laugh and turned to look at me properly, "I don't care about you or how tired you are. Anyways that is beside the point. I called you here because we have an intruder that we need to deal with. He is bothering our special guest."

I knew exactly who she was referring to and I hated it. Belle deserved better, she didn't deserve to be locked up because of who her true love was.

I quickly poofed me and Regina to outside Belle's prison cell where we saw a pirate with a hook for a hand from the doorway. He was looking down at her unconscious body as he raised his arm ready to kill her, "So pretty... Yet, so useless."

Regina quickly made his hook disappear from where it was placed on his arm and made it reappear in her hand.

"No. Not useless. She's a valuable chess piece," Regina told him as he turned to us in shock. We walked in and Regina closed the door behind us.

"Do I look like I'm playing a game of chess? My hook if you please." He extended his hand towards Regina signaling for her to hand it over.

Regina looked down at the hook and held it closer, she then looked up at him, "No."

"The asking was me being a gentleman" the pirate said as he walked forward.

Regina simply stared at him, "Is that any way to address a queen? Even a pirate should have better manners than that." Regina then started to approach him and his shocked look. She started circling him like a predator inspecting her prey, "Yes... I know who you are... Captain. I know why you came here from Neverland. And I know all about the crocodile you wish to skin." She stopped in front of him and stared him down.

"Then you also know that I'll stop at nothing."

"So dedicated and resourceful. No one has been able to fight their way past my defenses before. She can't help you kill Rumpelstiltskin, Hook. But I can if you do something for me." She used his hook to pull him closer to her by his vest. "Care to join me for a drink?"

"Why do most of your interactions with others have to be so dramatic?" I asked breaking the tension as I looked between the two.

Regina removed the hook and smirked at me, "Because it makes them oh so much more fun."

I tilted my head at her, "Not for me. It makes me feel awkward."

"And that is why it is more fun," she told me as she started to walk towards the door.

I looked back at the captain, "So you are  the famous Captain Hook?"

"Indeed I am," he said proud that his name was known.

I smiled at him, "Well I don't like that name. From now on I am going to call you FishHook."

He looked at me offended, "How dare you. I am a respected pirate captain. I will not have you making a mockery of me." He walked over to me and tried intimidating me by glaring down at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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