Prologue: The Destruction of Paradise

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The Isle of Avalon, Northern part of the British Isles.

Once upon a time, there is an island that lies on the northernmost part of the British Isles.

This island was home to humans and magical beings that coexisted with another. Under the rule of the one who found the island, a human, who became the king, and called the island Avalon.

From that day, Avalon became the utopia spoken in various legends.

It was called in many different names such as "the Land of the Young," "the Paradise of Flowers," "the Eternal Garden of Spring."

One day, a white dragon named Albion, came by and observed the inhabitants of the island. When he saw the presperous and peaceful kingdom of humans and magical beings, the dragon decided to live there and serve the king who ruled the island.

The king accepted, and the dragon promised that he will become Avalon's Guardian, and by doing so, he will also train a knight to watch over the royal family.

Enter Melusine, a human born in Avalon. She was beautiful and graceful in every sense of the word, but despite that, Melusine wanted to become a knight like her father.

Her father trained Melusine in the art of swordsmanship and spearmanship, applying her reflexes and gracefulness in battle. This piqued Albion's interest and decided to train Melusine to become the Knight of Albion, and years after being under the Great Dragon's tutelage, she became the Knight of Albion, the special knight tasked to become the mentor of the succeeding crown princes that will soon follow after.

Throughout the years, Melusine received the Dragon's Blessing of longevity, and lived for a hundred years.

She continued to watch the crown princes that she trained turn into wonderful kings, as if like a proud parent whose child began to leave the nest and reached their dreams.

This continued on until the time of King Arthur Pendragon, a benevolent king who was given the Holy Sword, Excalibur.

The said sword was forged by the fairies as a commemoration of kingdom's founding.

The one who led it's forging was Vivian, known as the Lady of the Lake. She instructed the blacksmiths to set up the forge at the Sacred Lake, to invoke God's blessing.

She then asked the Heads of the Noble Families which composed of humans and magical citizens of the kingdom, to offer the ores to be blessed by the Bishop of Avalon.

Once that was done, the fairy blacksmiths decided to design the sword, while the human blacksmiths worked with the forging process.

Vivian said that the sword will be tested in dragonfire, so she asked the Great Dragon, Albion, to share a part of his flame in forging the Sacred Sword.

Albion blessed the blacksmiths the dragonfire that they needed.

When all was met, they finally created the sacred sword and the scabbard that accompanied it.

Soon after, they gave it to their King, to accepted it with benevolence.

The king decided to invoke God's blessing upon the sword by letting the sword and scabbard float at the center of the Sacred Lake for three days.

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