Chapter 9: Meeting the Snowman and Hidden Feelings

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3rd POV.

The group of four which composed of a princess (Anna), an ice seller (Kristoff), a magical knight (Aesc) and the reindeer (Sven), continued on their journey to the North Mountain in the hopes of finding the Ice Queen who exiled herself from her own kingdom.

When they reached a certain vantage point, Aesc looks back and was saddened by the view.

Anna noticed this and also takes a look and....

Anna: Arendelle.........

Kristoff joins them and continued Anna's comment.

Kristoff: It's completely frozen.

Kristoff: *sigh*

Anna: But it will be fine. Elsa will thaw it.

Kristoff: Will she.

Aesc: And the questions that should be asked are how is she going to thaw it, and is she even aware that she did all of this?

Anna: Oh.....

Kristoff: You do have a lot of knowledge about magic.

Aesc: Please, what I learned about magic is the result of reading a lots of books about when I was discovering what my powers can do.

Aesc: What I can do and can't do with my powers.

Anna: And you can do a lot of it like those butterflies, the cool swords, and the blasts.....

Aesc: The swords and the butterflies are considered to be creation magic. Well, I'd like to discuss this further but we need to set our priorities first.

Anna: Right. So, this way to the North Mountain?

Anna points to be a random direction while Aesc was scanning the area until he realized Anna's mistake.

But then, Kristoff corrects Anna's finger.

Kristoff: More like this way.

The trio stares at the large mountain.

Aesc: Right, how could I forget. We're about to search a freaking whole mountain to search for one person.

Aesc: Yeah, this is much harder than I thought it would. Unless if we can find traces of Elsa's magic.

The group continued on their journey and arrived in a forest. Everything was covered in snow, and there are like frozen droplets of rain hanging on the trees as if they are wind chimes.

Sven runs around, while the other three continue to marvel.

Anna: I never knew winter could be so beautiful.

Aesc: All seasons are beautiful in their own right. But out of all the four seasons, I like spring and winter.

Anna: Why's that?

Aesc: I was born in spring, remember? So, I really like it.

Aesc: Winter on the other hand reminds me of so many things.

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