Chapter 8: Journey to the North

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3rd POV. Arendelle Castle, Kingdom of Arendelle.

Aesc went back to the castle and regroups with his siblings.

Melusine: This is bad, I can totally sense that Elsa's magic is definitely out of control.

Percival: Her fear.....her greatest fear has turned into a great disaster.

Aesc: If Anna only had stopped......

Melusine: Aesc, I know what you feel but please, this is not the time to blame Anna. We must do what we must do.

Melusine: I know this sounds crazy but Elsa changed the weather and that is how much her power has grown over the years.

Melusine: This is the prophecy that Grandpabbie talked about.

Melusine: The beauty and danger of it, fear being Elsa's greatest enemy.

Aesc: And to do that, we must alleviate her fears.

Melusine: Aesc, your power is the key.

Aesc: My power?

Melusine: Remember, the power of light heals all wounds. Right now, Elsa's heart is wounded.

Melusine: Her curse which is fear.....

Percival: So, Sis, are you suggesting......

Melusine: Yes, Aesc will go after Elsa. Aesc, this is your hardest job yet.

Aesc: I know.

Melusine: Now, Aesc, prepare your winter clothes.

Aesc: Got it.

Aesc went to prepare while his two other siblings went to the courtyard and what they found is the Duke of Weselton declaring Elsa has cursed the land.

But when Melusine and Percival appeared, the Duke shivered in fear.

Percival: Dare say that one more time to our queen.

Percival has his spear ready and points it threatingly towards the Duke.

Melusine: I'm going to put your head in a pike and deliver your headless body back to Wesealtown.

Melusine: And then.....

Melusine pulls out her dagger.

Melusine: We're going to raze it down to the ground.


Percival: Well, you shitty old man, choose your words wisely. We're still being diplomatic but if you bastard cross the line ONE MORE TIME!

Percival's imposing figure sent shivers down to everyone who saw as the knight stabs the tip of his lance and cracks began to form around the ground.

Duke: Eeek!

Percival: Me, my sister and my younger brother will personally send you to hell.

The Prince of Avalon (Elsa x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now