Chapter 3: Ling Yin Huang

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I'm in the boys locker room getting ready for the match with Cecilia. "I wonder what kind of IS is Cecilia using." That thought just ran through my head. "Anyways I need to focus on winning for now." I breathed in and out heavily." Okay,Ichika. Are you ready?" Houki asked. "Yeah." I replied feeling nervous. "Okay,then sensei please open hatch one." Houki said. "Roger!" Sensei said. "Good luck,Ichika." Chifuyu-nee said. I went out to the center of the arena and saw Cecilia already there in a blue IS ith a sniper as a weapon. "I thought your going to run away." Cecilia scoffed. "What's your IS's name?" I asked. "Blue Tears." She replied. "Oh." I said. "Enough with chit-chat already,the match starts now!" Cecilia said pointing her sniper at me. "Woah!" I said. The whole battle was intense. But my IS ended up with low shield energy,so Cecilia win by default. "Hey,nice fighting with you." Cecilia said walking towards me. "Yeah." "I'm sorry for last time for making fun of you. "It's okay." I said. "Then let's be friends!" She said. "Sure." I replied.

-Time Skip-

I was feeling exhausted after the match,but I still have classes to attend. I sat down at my seat and rested my head on my desk. But as I was going to close my eyes, the classroom door flew open. "IS ICHIKA HERE!!" A girl with light brown hair stood at the door yelled. I immediately realize who it was,it was Rinn. "Rinn!" I said running over to her. "Hey,long time no see!" She said giving my back a strong pat. "Ouch!" I wince in pain. "You didn't change at all." I said smirking. "S-shut u-up." Rin said flicking my forehead. "I'm here because I got choose to be the canditate from China." Rinn said. "I challenge you to a match!" Rinn said getting all pumped up. "W-what?!" I yelled. "You scared?" She asked smirking. "No!" I said crossing my arms pouting. "Good,tomorrow meet me at arena 7,8:00am. And don't be late!" As soon as class was dismissed, I ran back to my room and flop on my bed and fell into a deep slumber.


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