Chapter 9 Teaser

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"Not all people who are in love with you will not do any harm to you; the most dangerous person on earth is the one who's in love because they can do things you never expect them to do," I said, looking at the nurse.

"If what you said is true, then I need to be more careful every time he gives me pills for your mom," said the nurse.

"Yes, and don't give the pill to Mom but give it to me instead," I said.

"I will remember that Mis Freen," said the nurse.

"Thank you, and please keep this between the three of us, and don't trust anyone in this house," I said, looking at Mom.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her while I shifted my eyes to the book I was reading.

"I missed you; that's why I came here. How are you and Rebecca?" she said, but I could sense in her voice that she held back her laughter, so I faced her and smirked.

"If you came here because you will tell me that you saw my girlfriend on top of your sister, don't mention it, okay? I knew it already because your sister told me about that and she explained why they end up in that situation, I said, smirking while my eyes didn't take off her face.

Right now, Zia is speechless after hearing it. But I know her, and I know she won't give up easily, so I won't give her a chance to talk badly about my girlfriend.

"Whatever you're telling me now is useless, Zia; I trusted my girlfriend and your sister. I know that Xyza has a thing for Rebecca because she told me about it several times. And I know Rebecca too; she's not the type of person who can easily be swayed, unlike someone I knew." I said, still looking at her.

"You're a bitch, Freen!" Zia said.

"Yes, I am, and I am aware of that. So whatever your plans for ruining my relationship with Rebecca, stop it now because you won't succeed, I said.

Sometimes you need to act wise in front of the person who tries to pull out your weakness. And that's what Zia was trying to do earlier because she knew that Rebecca was my weakness so she started to provoke me but I'm not that stupid to give her a chance to do that for me or Rebecca.



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