CHAPTER 1. The long wait

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Before you start reading, let me tell you that I'm giving the characters mixed traits from the books, the 90's series "Adventures in Moomin Valley" and the 2019 series "Moominvalley". I also name some situations that they have gone through in these, but above all, I'm making my own interpretation about them. Also, every flower you see hides a meaning that you can look for on internet to make the experiece more complete. All of the characters (except those created for this story), places and source material are an original creation of Tove Jansson.

Without further ado, read, enjoy and love! <3


Once more, spring had arrived to Moominvalley, although there was still some snow accumulated in some places and the cool wind flew through the trees making their few recently acquired leaves to tremble. There were new snowdrops and crocuses emerging from the ground and the grass had a crispy texture. The river had recovered its soft murmur flowing happily towards the ice-breaking sea and the sun glistened joyfully on its ripples. Even the birds sounded chirpier and flew eagerly around the tall, blue and round Moomin house.

Inside of it, everyone was asleep except for Moomintroll, who felt more than ready to wake up. He had jumped out of the bed with a gasp that was followed by a very much special name:


He openned the shutters from his bedroom window and felt the fresh air and the scent of spring in his snout, but the sudden sunlight blinded his eyes instantly. He rubbed his eyes and when his sight was finally adjusted, Moomin leant on the windowsill and stared at the old path.

'Snufkin must be on his way, I know it! He will be here in no time and he'll be telling me all of his stories during breakfast! Then we well go for a walk in the forest, climb a tree and he'll play his tunes for me! Oh, Snufkin, I can't wait to see you again! And this time, no simple greetings: there's nothing wrong about a hug! Mamma always says this to Little My, hehe!'

Mooming awaited, his ears tense and ready to hear that new spring tune with his body prepared to run down the ladder to meet his friend. He had been waiting for this year to come, since he would soon be reaching adulthood and Moominmamma and Moominpappa would let him go on "his" great adventure, and who else to go with if not his best friend Snufkin?

After all, Moominpappa had told him stories of him going through lots of wild situations with no other but Snufkin's father, Joxter accompanying him along the Muddler.

'Why is it taking him so long?' he exclaimed, impatient.

All of the sudden, his door shut open and there it was a yawning Little My.

'Oh, good morning, Little My!' he said turning quickly to wave at her and going back to staring.

'Morning Moomintroll. You're already waiting for my brother, aren't you?'

'Always. You could say it's... our thing, I guess.'

'Hm, sure it is'

'Is anyone else up already?'

'Not really, but they will soon' she yawned once more and shivered. 'I think I'll go back to my teapot.'

Little My closed the door and Moomin was left alone again with his yearning thoughts.

'I'm here, Snufkin. Where are you?' said Moomin followed by a sigh. There had to be a way to make the wait bearable. 'I know, his letter!'. He rushed to his bed and pushed his arm under his soft pillow just to find it underneath it a little bit crumpled.

'Dear Moomintroll,

I hope you have the most adventurous dreams during your hibernation. That way, once I'm back we will both have stories to share.

See you in spring,


'Well, rather short, but I guess it is never easy to find words for a farewell, and less considering that he tends to leave without saying good bye...", said Moomin with melancholy.

He had always wondered why Snufkin left him in such way everytime winter came, sometimes even earlier. It felt almost silly not being able to talk honestly about how this made him feel. He knew how his friend would answer if he tried: he would say something about how precious freedom was and that winter was going to pass in no time for him since he was going to be deeply asleep and that there was no point in saying good bye if he was coming back.

'Well...' he exclaimed shaking his head, 'It's not the main issue today. He's coming back pretty soon and that's all that matters to me. I can't wait to tell him about that pirates' dream!'

An hour passed and Moominmamma and Moominpappa had already woke up.

'Good morning, dear', said Moominmamma. 'I see you're fully awake!'

'Yes, mamma, I'm waiting for Snufkin. I'm sure he'll be here anytime...!'

'Er, that young man surely will be hungry as a wolf after such a trip, won't he, Mamma?' asked Moominpappa with his pipe in his mouth.

'I expect so, and he's more than welcome here, but I am afraid that it is up to him, darling' answered Moominmama with a tender smile, taking a quick look at her son's possible reaction, but he was just as attentive as before.

'Alright, lad, we're going to let some fresh air again into this house! Off we go!' exclaimed Moominpappa as he marched along the hall.

'See you later, dear. I'll let you know when breakfast is ready'.

'Alright, thank you!', said Moomin waving without taking his eyes from ouside's view.

Half of an hour had gone and Moomin had read the letter five more times and he had started to imagine the new song his best friend would bring with him.

'Oh, Snufkin! Whatever you play for me I'll appreciate it, so don't drag it out any longer! Also...' his stomach let out a rumble 'I'm starting to get hungry, but the first breakfast of spring won't be the same without your company...'

And after a couple of minutes more filled with anxiety, all of the sudden, the birds seemed to stop chirping and even the water seemed to whisper softer just to listen to the particular sound of an harmonica.

'Snufkin... I must go! SNUFKIN!!!' exclaimed Moomin feeling his eyes getting filled with a rush of warm tears of joy. 'SNUFKIN! I'm here!'. Moomin went down the ladder in no time, almost tripping, and ran with his arms wide open.

Snufkin stopped in the middle of the wooden bridge and kept his instrument in his pocket with a smile gracing his face.

'Moomint-roooll!' Exclaimed the mumrik, air escaping his mouth as he felt Moomin's sudden hug striking him.

'Welcome back, Snufkin!! Hahaha!'

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