CHAPTER 4. Moomin feels giddy

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-Good night, my fair princess. May your dreams be sweet- said Moomin leaving Snorkmaiden safe and sound at her home.

-Good night, my golden hearted knight-, answered Snorkmaiden followed by a giggle.

Moomin walked a few steps back and bowed dramatically as a last farewell and made his way back home.

Although it had been a little bit difficult to set the mood back into a more pleasant one, they managed to enjoy the rest of their date without worries.

Even though it was clear to him that Snorkmaiden didn't feel really comfortable with this concessions, the conversation had gone much better than he expected. After all, he had imagined the worst of the possible scenarios: having their relationship broken because of a misunderstanding; she, crying her eyes out, and he, feeling guilty for not accepting her passional caresses and kisses.

About that, what would he do then? Not like he was looking for an answer right now, but he didn't think that breaking up with Snorkmaiden was a possibility. For some reason, he had never seen himself and Snorkmaiden going through that situation. Actually, none has ever really given him any explanation about what to expect and he couldn't really imagine it. It wasn't as if they hadn't shared hugs or soft kisses on the cheek or even slept in the same bed before. They had also held their paws and intertwined their tails, even cuddled or rubbed their snouts, but there was never anything further than that. So why did it seemed so important all of the sudden?

It's true that he had never really had any other romantic options, being his other single infatuation a wooden lady that mysteriously disappeared in the sea. Everyone seemed to have assumed their relationship, but now he was confused since it seemed he couldn't find more mature feelings for her.

By the time he had finished this trail of thoughts, he had almost got home.

Then, he saw Snufkin's tent next to the stream and he couldn't supress a smile. Now they would have more time to go on adventures and to talk about his travels and to decipher Moomin's dreams. He would whistle while Snufkin played his harmonica and they would go searching for pearls in the sea. Probably  one of those days, they would even walk close to the volcano!

All of these ideas made him feel suddenly excited and chirpy.

Moomin saw Snufkin's campfire was extinguished, but it couldn't have been too long ago since there was some smoke coming out of it.

'Good night, Snufkin', whispered Moomin as he walked over the bridge. He then remembered that the next day they would hang out again, and he felt even happier than before. He ran and jumped all the way up the slope as a way to liberate part of his excitement.

Once at home, he found only his mom sitting in the parlour. A soft light illuminated the space, just enough for the task at hand: she was knitting, as usual, and there was a teapot and a cup of tea on the table.

'Mamma!', exclaimed Moomin, excited.

'Well, hello there, Moomin. You seem to be very happy tonight'

'Yes, indeed I am. Tomorrow Snufkin and I will hang out together!' he explained, jumping around the room, still unable to stay calm.

'Oh, that sounds just fine, dear. I expect your little excursion with Snorkmaiden was just as pleasant', she said in her sweet, calm voice.

Moomin stopped bouncing and sat on the chair in front of her.

'Well, yes it was, but I am afraid it wasn't too nice at first'. Moomin fixed his look on the tea's reflection. It reminded him to the calm water of the river.

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