CHAPTER 3. Spring flowers

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Spring was becoming warmer day by day, with flowers blooming and fruits growing in patches and orchards. There were also plenty of fish in the river, and Snufkin had just caught a couple of them. They would make a delicious meal. Maybe he should catch a few more for Moominmamma.

'Hello, Snufkin!', greeted Moomin, running down his way.

Snufkin didn't feel the need to answer, but he smiled instantly at his voice.

'I see you've already got dinner covered' pointed Moomin taking a look inside the bucket.

'I do. Do you think Moominmamma would want a few?', asked Snufkin, his eyes still staring at the river.

'I'm sure she'll appreciate it. It's very kind from you'

Just then, Snufkin turned his face towards Moomin and saw him with a small bunch of wild flowers in his hands.

'Have you got any plans today?', he asked.

'Well, just as yesterday and the day before and the day before that one, I promised Snorkmaiden that we would hang around again... So I got her some season flowers just for a change' said finally Moomin sarcastically.

'I see...', said Snufkin trying not to sound too rough. If he wasn't mistaken, this was the fourth time in a week that Moomin went on a date with Snorkmaiden, not to mention the whole last week and that excursion in which they had been out for a couple of days. Well, it wasn't as if it mattered to him, right? Not at least so as for him to keep track of it, but it seemed to him like his friend had a different demeanor today.

'Oh, Moomintroll, have you had the chance to speak to her?' asked Snufkin, since they hadn't been able to pick up the subject.

'Mmm, not yet, really...' said Moomin visibly ashamed. 'it's just... Snorkmaiden has developed quite a character, you know?' he explained.

Snufkin didn't answer.

'I know, I have to do it... Actually, you know what? I'll do it today' said Moomin with regaining his must. 'I'll talk to her with an open heart, and things will be just fine'.

Snufkin looked at him with crooked smile, feeling some kind of tenderness by his attitude.

Suddenly Moomin looked at him with a mischievous smile as he picked one flower from the bunch. 'Here, this beautiful flower seems to match you just fine'.

It was a delicate red flower with a dark center and Snufkin could see a brownish tint on Moomin's fingers.

'A poppy', he said.

'Yes! Here, I'll put it on your hat', said Moomin with a smile.

This movement, for some reason, startled him. A red poppy... Moomin was such a sweet creature!

'Thank you, Moomintroll' he said once the flower got attached to his hat.

'Your welcome. Hmm, I was wondering if maybe we could hang out together tomorrow. Would you like that?', asked Moomin staring at the flowers and lowering his head a bit.

'Sure, we'll decide what to do then' said Snufkin trying to seem cooler than he actually was.

'Hey, Moomin!'

It was none other than Snorkmaiden. Both of them sighed, then automatically looked at each other and blinked their eyes a couple of times.

'I think I better...' started Moomin, but was cut off by Snufkin.


'MOOMIN!!!' yelled Snorkmaiden, starting to sound a bit irritated.

'Tomorrow', said Moomin meaningfully.

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