28 4 15

    It was a bad time to make a joke.

El's sword was in flames and aimed right at Dylan. Leo always came up with the best jokes at the worst times.

     Dylan glared at El, "You think you can hurt me, Ellie?"

    This earned an unsure look from Luke and an even angrier El.

    El didnt respond, instead she charged, her sword ablaze. As soon as El's sword sliced him in half, he shattered into a thousand shiny pieces just to reappear right behind her.

"Missed me," he whispered in her ear, sending chills straight down her spine.

"What the fuck..." she mumbled, turning around to face Dylan.

   "Shocked?" Dylan asked, smirking.

    El stumbled back a bit before regaining her balance and pointing her sword at Dylan once again. Leo could see the pain on her face, but didn't register why she was in pain. Fire doesn't hurt him, after all.

That moment of pain was quickly washed away with fury. El swung her sword again, and once more, dylan just stood there and took what should have been a fatal blow with ease.

For the last time, he fractured into tiny pieces just to reform where he was before.

"Don't you learn?" Dylan laughed, having the time of his life messing with El.

By now, there was a small crowd around the two, campers pushing through to get a closer look.

When Leo looked over at Luke, she was looking at her nails! What the hell? Why isn't she worried about Dylan?

In this moment Leo realized that El was gonna get seriously injured if he didn't do anything. If Dylan can just shatter like glass when you hurt him, and re-appear without a scratch, what chance does El have?

"El! Stop!" Leo shouted, but El didnt listen. Her anger already had a death grip on her, in her mind she had to beat Dylan or else, what was she?

El violently swung at Dylan, this time he was not expecting it, and her sword clipped his side.

Dylan held his side for a moment, when he took his hand away it was covered in red that made El swell with confidence.

So I have to catch him off guard...El realized, regaining her confidence.

    Luke put her hand on her knife, ready to kill anyone if Dylan gave her the word.

    Dylan gave El one last glance before deciding that he would kill her.

    "Im glad my girlfriend's here to watch this!" Dylan chuckled, looking at the crowd. He threw his hands up and people in the crowd roared and cheered.

    Girlfriend? Luke thought. They just kissed, but that doesn't mean they were dating? Luke wanted to date Dylan but she would've preferred it was a mutual decision.

    Everyone in the crowd watched as all of the windows nearby shattered and and bits of glass flew into the air. His power is not just over mirrors, Leo realized, its anything that reflects!

It was dylan shattering the windows. It took El a moment to realize what was happening, Dylan was about to use whatever power he had to try and beat her and she wasn't gonna let that happen.

    The window shards hovered in the air around Dylan, causing the crowd to step back in utter confusion and fright.

    El did not back down. Leo didn't know if she was extremely brave or really stupid. Or both.

"El...stop, its okay!" Leo shouted out, hoping she would heed his warning.

She didn't reply.

Her hair blew in the wind, covering her face but not her eyes, that were staring at Dylan with such intensity it would cause Leo to crumble in Dylan's place.

   El could feel the flesh of her arm and hands burning off, but she didn't falter. To her, beating Dylan was like beating Sam, her bully. She would do anything to defeat Sam.

    Leo stepped in front of Dylan, "Please don't hurt anyone!" He begged to Dylan, ignoring the low chance that Dylan would actually care.

   "Thanks, but no thanks." El said, lightly pushing Leo aside.

   Leo shot her a worried look,

"Have faith in me." she mouthed to him.

Leo nodded reluctantly but something in his gut told him this would not end well.

    Dylan winked at Leo, before sending one of the many glass shards soaring right at El.

El gritted her teeth, pain rushing to her hip where she was hit. This just made her blood boil, as if she wasn't furious enough already.

So he can move glass with his mind? Pretty stupid power, Is what El was thinking.

This time, El was prepared when Dylan sent a couple shards of glass at her, so she was able to flip away to avoid most of the shards. Thank the gods for gymnastics. Some of the shards still got lodged under her skin, though. It hurt like hell.

Dylan sent more of the glass her way, motioning his arms to control his power. His side was open and vulnerable when he waved his arms around, so El had her next target.

El did a side-aerial around the glass flying at her, slicing Dylan's other side as she landed.

"Dylan!" Luke gasped, getting her knife ready to throw.

Dylan fell to his knees, catching himself with his hands.

El loomed over him, wiping blood from her lip, a victorious smile on her face.

Dylan grinned up at her, he wasn't going down that easily. He sent all of the remaining shards straight towards El, before he collapsed and passed out onto the grass.

Leo met El's gaze, he could see the agony and pure shock on her face. She dropped her sword, and fell onto her knees then stomach. She didn't even notice the fire from her blade starting an even larger fire in the grass around her.

And I didn't even get Leo's diary back... she sadly remembered before she slipped into the darkness.

A/N: I Love putting my characters into deadly scenarios 🤗
This is the longest chapter yet!! If anything is confusing, especially dylans power LMK PLEASE
Also I know we dont get to much Leo in this part but I promise the next chapter is all about ya boy! <3
Qotd: fav character in this fic so far? (Dont say dylan)

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