Chapter 3

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"Let's go!"  Sejeong said to Doenjang as she hooked the leash onto her bright blue puppy harness. 

She typically walks Doenjang in the late evenings when there are fewer people in the park. Doenjang also prefers evening walks as she hates the summer heat.

Sejeong's mom had just left that morning to return to her hometown after 5 days of dog-sitting.  

She was in Paris working on the photo shoot for the Longchamp Winter-Autumn 2023 collection and had just arrived home earlier that day.  She still felt quite tired and jetlagged from the seven-hour time difference, but she knew that if she went to bed too early,  it would be harder for her to re-adapt to the Korean time zone.

"Wait for me Doenjang!"  She yelled, as she chased after her.

The park was quieter than usual.  Except for one older couple sitting on the bench from afar, there was no one else in sight.

"Well, it's Friday night after all." Sejeong thought, "I guess people must either be out drinking with their buddies or watching a Friday night drama."

Suddenly she sensed someone walking quickly towards her from behind.  She immediately switched to full self-defense mode.  

Many people would describe Sejeong as fearless. She was never used to having security guards follow her around during events and oversea trips.  And despite her petite size, her martial arts training from her recent dramas had greatly improved her strength and endurance.  Also, with her unusually powerful vocal cords, she could scream really, really loud if she needed to.

"Hiiyyaa!"  She quickly got into position for her famous high leg kick, aimed towards taking down the 'potentially' dangerous assailant behind her.  

"Wait, Sejeong it's me!" Hyoseop grabbed her right leg as it swung towards his chest.  After numerous NG takes from his last drama with her, and enduring three months of non-stop chest slaps, he also developed unusually quick reflexes.

Hyoseop pulled down his mask.  He had been following her since she exited her apartment and was waiting to approach her when they reached a quieter area.

"Oppa.  Sorry I didn't know it was you." 

"No, it's my fault, I shouldn't have snuck up on you."  

Hyoseop then pulled her into a tight embrace, with his right hand gently stroking the back of her head.

"Wait, Oppa, people will see us."  Sejeong said, trying to push him away.

"I'm just hugging my girlfriend.  I don't care if others see."  Hyoseop said as he held onto her tightly.

Sejeong decided to surrender to his embrace.  She found herself slowly wrapping her arms around him.    She missed his scent and his skin brushing against hers.  

It felt like home.

"Did you lose weight?"  Sejeong said.  "Your hair grew longer too."

"Yes.  Around 6 kilos?"  Hyoseop said.  "I think it's a combination of dance training and not being able to eat well because I missed you too much.  Why didn't you answer my calls and texts?"

"Sorry."  Sejeong said looking down at the ground, trying to avoid his gaze. "I was scared.  I was scared that everything you worked so hard for would go down the drain if those rumors continued."  

"You don't need to worry about that.  All I care about is to be with you.  Don't disappear and ignore my calls again.  Do you know how worried I was?"  Hyoseop said.  

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