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Right before we came to our last stop "Hey Brianna- "You can call me Ruby" "Ok 'Ruby' do you want to sit with me at lunch?" "Yea Ofc" OML IM SITTING WITH HIM AT LUNCH ?!? " But uhm I'll see you later Brandy(😽 NICKNAMES) I gtg to the locker room for gym" I say before darting down the hallway. When I do I see signs saying 'Brandt Loves Maya' Oh.

I then walk into the locker room and sit next to two girls who I remember from home room Maya and Anna. I'm assuming that they saw the signs too because they were very giddy .

I changed and went outside and sat down by a tree because there was a reason that Nia calls me MAMA GYATT and these shorts were not helping ..

Then a shadow towered over me it was Brandt MF Jackson

"Hey Ruby" he said as he sat down w me "Hi Brandt" "What happened to Brandy" He fully turned to me " You like Maya ?" I said turning too "Oh you saw"He chuckled. "Do you?" "FUCK NO" he says fully burst out laughing " Wait I'm confused then what are those signs?" He starts after stopping "Me and Dustin made those after we found out she likes us! Why would I ever like her she's the UGIS"


"Oh but she thinks that you love her in the locker room her and Anna thought y'all were gonna get married or smth. And when you were playing she kept staring at your neck"

"ANOTHER REASON WHY I DONT LIKE HER! But No I don't like her I got my eye on someone else"

I really hope he's talking abt me

Brandts thoughts
I hope she knows it's her

Back to Bri

Time Skip to the Bitch out thing

I was on Brandts side behind the boys but I wasn't really paying attention since I was thinking of Brandt in a tux 🤭

That was until I heard "AND THATS WHY YOUR DAD DIED" I look up to see Maya and Anna dancing and hyping each other up and then Brandt about to cry .

Without a second thought I ran up to him and hugged him. Once he realized who hugged him he immediately hugged back.

After about everyone left I asked "Brandt if you still want comforting you can come to the arcade
and we can chill." "Sure" he says as he grabs his skateboard "Can I ride , PLEASE" "Alr but if you fall it's not my fault" I step on and then hold his hand he looks up at me "There now I can't fall" I smile and he does too.

Maybe that person that he has eyes on is me

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