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I woke up and realized that me and Brandt had fallen asleep but that thought left my mind as I realized that the reason that I woke up was because MY MOM CAME HOME!

I immediately get off of Brandt and wake his ass up.
"Mmm Ruby 5 more mins" I roll my eyes because he didn't realize that my mom was there. "Alr Alr" he says as he finally opens his eyes and gets up quickly and awkwardly when he realizes that my mom was there. " Brianna Ruby Quinn! Who the fuck is this boy?!?" "Momma please calm down and let me explain" "I'm Brandt Jackson" Brandt buts in. I then step next to him and take his hand "And he's my Boyfriend." When I say the woman was to stunned to speak I meant it. That was until she said "Get out" "What mom come on you don't have to be that harsh!" Brandt steps away and gets his shoes and leaves. "Brandt!" I say but I get cut off by the door shutting.

As soon as it did I smh at my mom and ran up to my room. " Don't think that we won't talk about this!" She shouts from down stairs.

I was so upset that I just went back to sleep.

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