Chapter 4 - First Impressions

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As the Hogwarts Express' whistle screamed through the air, Severus Snape and Lily Evans stood on Platform 9 ¾, their eyes as wide as galleons. The towering, ruby-red engine heaved and hissed, a living beast of iron and steam. Behind it stretched a long, sinuous line of gleaming carriages, their windows reflecting the bustle of excited students and anxious parents.

"Come on, Lily," Severus offered a smudged hand to his friend, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, Lily lightly placed her hand in his. Her heart fluttered like the wings of a Snidget as she glanced one last time at her parents standing by the barrier. They looked worried, proud, and just a little bit in awe - like Muggles should look when faced with a magnificent scarlet steam train that had appeared out of nowhere.

"Can you believe it, Sev?" Lily asked, her green eyes shining with the reflection of the passing scenery. "We're really going to Hogwarts."

Severus grinned, his heart full of joy. "Yes. Yes, we are."


Cassiopeia's POV

The Hogwarts Express stood proudly on Platform 9¾, steam billowing from its engine as students bustled around, preparing for another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Among the crowd was Cassiopeia Black, Sirius' twin sister, clutching her trunk tightly and scanning the platform for any sign of her brother.

With determination in her eyes, Cassiopeia boarded the train, her heart pounding with anticipation. She walked through the narrow corridor, glancing into each compartment in search of Sirius and his newfound friends.

How in the name of merlin, did he manage to make new friends so fast? How did he do it so easily? How dare he leave me to deal with our oh so loving, mother? The audacity he has.

As she was questioning Sirius' ability to make friends and his betrayal, she spotted a familiar face who was just talking with her twin a few moments ago, a bespectacled boy with messy hair, standing at the entrance of a compartment. And another boy, tall and lean with a sleepy expression, stood beside him, engrossed in conversation.

Cassiopeia gathered her courage and approached them. "Excuse me, Hullo" she said, her voice filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement. "I'm Cassiopeia Black. I'm Sirius' sister, and I'm looking for him."

The boy with the glasses turned to face her, a friendly smile spreading across his face. "Cassiopeia! Sirius has mentioned you. He went to look for you actually. M'names James! Nice to meet ya!" he replied warmly. "You're just in time. We were just about to find an empty compartment. Care to join us?"

Relief washed over Cassiopeia, and she nodded gratefully. "Thank you, James. I'd love to join you all."

On the way, they found Sirius and together, they set off down the corridor, scanning each compartment for an empty space.


The Hogwarts Express was bustling with activity, the air thick with anticipation and the scent of sweet candies from the trolley. The group of children were busy scouring the train for an empty compartment, their school trunks bobbing behind them.

"Maybe this one," Sirius suggested, pointing to a compartment about halfway down the car. He was the slightly taller of the two, his dark hair falling into his eyes as he peered through the compartment's glass door.

As they approached the compartment, the door slid open. Out stepped their cousins, Bellatrix and Narcissa. Bella, the elder of the two, was now in her 6th year, her long black hair hung loose around her shoulders. Narcissa, two years her junior, looked almost angelic with her blonde hair and blue eyes. Both of them, however, carried a haughty and distinctly pureblood air.

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