Chapter 5 - Sweet Cheeks

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Lily's POV

Lily's emerald eyes widened, her gaze fixated on James Potter and Severus Snape, who were sitting across each other, one shocked into silence, and the other staring into the other's mark with wonder as the marks glowed a simmering light.

Lily's heart raced as she saw it—the soul mate symbols etched on the left forearm of James and Severus' on his right. A silver doe and a majestic stag shimmered on their skin, glowing softly as if to confirm the undeniable connection between the two.

Time seemed to stand still as the realization settled over the group. Remus rubbed his eyes in astonishment and Sirius was rendered speechless.

But it was Lily who broke the silence. A gasp escaped her lips, carrying with it a mixture of excitement and awe. She couldn't believe her eyes. Destiny had woven its intricate threads right before her, and it involved her best friend and the boy who they had just met.

As if pulled by an invisible force, James and Severus turned their eyes towards each other. The weight of the situation settled upon them, their expressions switching from surprise to contemplation. It was a delicate situation, one that required careful consideration and understanding.

The rest of the group watched in breathless anticipation, their eyes flickering between the two young men. Lily's mind raced, imagining the endless possibilities that lay before them.

James and Severus sat there, their gazes locked, as if searching for answers in each other's eyes. The crowd of friends held their breath, waiting for the next move, the next reaction that would shape their intertwined futures.

Finally, a flicker of recognition passed between James and Severus. It was a silent acknowledgment, a realization that fate had bound them together in a way they could not ignore. The tension in the air shifted, replaced by a newfound understanding, a shared understanding. They have found their other half.

A smile played on James' lips, and Severus nodded, his dark eyes softening. Their unspoken agreement hung in the air, a promise of something yet to come.

The group erupted into whispers and murmurs, their awe and excitement filling the meadow. Destiny had intervened, and she couldn't wait to see what the future held for this unlikely pair.


Severus' POV

Severus's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe it. He turned to look at James, his eyes wide with surprise. The confidence he had seen in James' eyes earlier now held a hint of trepidation, a silent question hanging in the air between them.

At that moment, Severus imagined a future with this boy. There was uncertainty, after all, they had just met. But he also felt a sense of hope. To have discovered their soul mate connection so early in life was a blessing not many were granted. They had the chance to grow together, to understand each other, to shape their lives intertwined.

Severus felt a surge of gratitude. He was lucky, he realized, luckier than he had ever known. After all, his mum didn't find her own soul mate even after all these years and ended up with his father.

He looked back at James, meeting his questioning gaze. Raising his own sleeve even more, he showed James the pairing symbol glowing on his wrist.

A knowing smile appeared on James' face. It was a smile of relief, of understanding, of acceptance. It was also a confirmation, that when these symbols glow, the ancient binding was at work, connecting Severus' soul with James. Gathering his thoughts, gave a slight nod in response. It was a silent agreement, a pact of a journey they were about to embark on together.

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