Chapter 6 - Sorting

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The Great Hall of Hogwarts was buzzing with anticipation as the first-year students gathered, all dressed in their freshly pressed robes. Among them were James Potter, a mischievous and confident young wizard, and Severus Snape, a solemn and observant boy with an air of mystery.

Hand in hand, James and Severus stood together, their emotions ranging from excitement to nervousness. They exchanged glances, silently reassuring each other as Professor McGonagall stepped forward, her stern expression softened by a twinkle in her eyes. She took a deep breath and addressed the eager students.

"Welcome, first-year students, to the Sorting Ceremony," Professor McGonagall began, her voice resonating through the hall. "Before we begin, let us hear the Sorting Hat's song, which will remind us of the qualities each house values."

As if on cue, the Sorting Hat, perched atop a stool, cleared its throat and started to sing in a rich, melodic voice:

🎵 "In Gryffindor, where courage lies,

The lion roars with fiery eyes.

In Hufflepuff, the loyal hearts,

Work hard and never fall apart.

In Ravenclaw, the wise aspire,

Seeking knowledge, they never tire.

In Slytherin, the cunning dwell,

Ambition weaves its magic spell." 🎵

The students listened intently, their eyes fixed on the Sorting Hat as it finished its enchanting song. The hall erupted in applause, and the first-years' excitement grew even more palpable.

"Now," Professor McGonagall continued, her voice carrying authority, "when I call your name, step forward and place the Sorting Hat on your head. It will determine which house you belong to."

She unrolled a long, parchment scroll and began calling out names, starting with the letter 'A.' The students walked forward one by one, their hearts pounding in their chests. James and Severus exchanged a final encouraging squeeze of their hands before releasing each other, ready to embark on their individual journeys.

"Addams, Elaine," Professor McGonagall called, and an excited girl made her way to the stool, where she placed the Sorting Hat upon her head. Moments later, the hat called out "Hufflepuff!" and the Hufflepuff table erupted in applause.

As more names were called, the line of students gradually shortened. James watched eagerly as his fellow Gryffindors cheered for their newfound housemates. Severus observed the scene with a mix of curiosity and quiet determination.


Sirius' POV

Professor McGonagall called out the next name. "Black, Sirius!"

Sirius Black stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he swaggered towards the stool. He glanced at his twin, a mischievous grin spreading across his face before Professor McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat atop his head. The hat seemed to deliberate for a mere second before declaring boldly, "Gryffindor!"

As the Sorting Hat declared "Gryffindor!" for Sirius Black, a hushed silence fell over the Great Hall. The students, especially those familiar with the Black family, looked on with surprise and confusion. Whispers and murmurs spread like wildfire among the assembled crowd.

Sirius could feel the weight of the stares directed his way, and he couldn't help but meet the gaze of his cousins. Bellatrix, her dark eyes burning with contempt, locked eyes with Sirius for a brief moment before turning away, unable to hide her disappointment and disapproval. Narcissa, her usually composed expression faltering, looked crestfallen as she averted her gaze. Andromeda, Sirius' favorite cousin, wore a blank face, her emotions hidden beneath a mask of indifference.

The only one who kept his stare was Cassiopeia. Easily spotting her among the crowd of students, he caught her already staring back at him. She rolled her eyes and smiled. A proud look etching her beautiful face. And that's all he needed. Smiling widely back at her, he moved forward.

The Gryffindor table, filled with students who were oblivious to the complexities of the Black family dynamics, erupted into cheers and applause, celebrating Sirius' arrival as if unaware of the significance of his sorting.

Sirius, though outwardly thrilled by his placement, couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness deep within him. He had hoped for the acceptance and approval from the rest of his family, but it seemed that his divergence from their expectations had only solidified the rift between them.

However, Sirius refused to let the disapproval of his family dampen his spirits. Determination ignited within him as he straightened his posture and met the gaze of his friends and his sister. Their unwavering support and camaraderie gave him the strength to rise above the judgment and forge his own path.

With newfound resolve, Sirius turned his attention back to the Gryffindor table, where he was met with cheers, pats on the back, and warm smiles from his new housemates. He grinned back at his friends, his heart swelling with pride and gratitude for the acceptance he found among them.

And too soon, it was Cassiopeia's turn to get sorted. But he already knew she belonged in Slytherin.


Meanwhile, Cassiopeia Black, Sirius' twin sister, observed the scene with a cool and composed demeanor. She watched as her brother get sorted into Gryffindor, her eyes betraying a flicker of conflicted emotions.

As her turn came, she walked gracefully towards the stool, her head held high. The Sorting Hat settled on her head, and after a brief moment of contemplation, it announced, "Slytherin!" Just as expected.

The Slytherin table erupted into applause, welcoming Cassiopeia into their fold. She took her place among her new housemates, her expression a mixture of determination and curiosity, ready to embrace the challenges and triumphs that awaited her at Hogwarts.


Lily Evans, a bright and determined witch, stepped forward next. Her emerald eyes sparkled with a mix of nerves and anticipation as she approached the stool. She saw Severus giving her a nod of encouragement. The Sorting Hat seemed to take its time, as if recognizing the depth of her character. Finally, it proclaimed, "Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table erupted once again, their cheers echoing through the Great Hall. Lily's face lit up with a radiant smile as she joined Sirius.

In the next few minutes, McGonagll called Remus Lupin, a thoughtful and kind-hearted boy, nervously made his way to the stool. He adjusted his worn-out robes, his amber eyes betraying a hint of apprehension. The Sorting Hat seemed to whisper to him, considering the possibilities, before declaring resolutely, "Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table erupted into thunderous applause, welcoming Remus with open arms. Sirius and Lily cheered loudest of all, their excitement boundless as they celebrated their newfound unity within Gryffindor.

Finally, it was James' turn. But before walking forward, he quickly put his lips near Severus' ears and whispered, "I'll see you later, Sev. Wait for me to come and look for you. I don't think I can last long without you by my side anymore." After leaving Severus a blushing mess, he strides forward confidently and settled onto the stool, feeling the weight of the old hat as it was placed upon his head. The Sorting Hat took its time, as if delving deep into his thoughts and character. After a brief pause, the hat declared, "Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers, and James beamed with pride as he winked at his soulmate and made his way towards his new housemates and friends. He exchanged high-fives and pats on the back, feeling an instant connection with the brave and daring Gryffindors surrounding him.


Lastly, it was Severus' turn. Severus stepped forward, his expression unreadable as he awaited his fate. The Sorting Hat whispered in his ear, analyzing his thoughts and potential. After a moment of contemplation, the hat proclaimed, "Slytherin!"

The Slytherin table erupted in applause.
Severus, having been sorted into Slytherin, made his way to the applauding table, his eyes scanning the crowd before finding James. The two locked eyes for a brief moment, a mixture of emotions passing between them—friendship, curiosity, growing feelings he can't recognize, and the unknown future that lay ahead.


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