Chapter 9 - Attention

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The first day of classes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had come to an end, leaving Cassiopeia and Severus with a pile of homework to tackle. Seeking the quiet solitude of the school library, they settled down at a table tucked away in a corner, their Transfiguration textbooks open before them.

Cassiopeia, her ink-black hair cascading over her shoulders, dipped her quill into the inkpot and began writing with a graceful hand. Severus, his long, shiny hair partially obscuring his face, was engrossed in his own work. They exchanged occasional glances, acknowledging each other's presence but focusing mainly on their assignments.

As they delved deeper into their essays, a soft tap on the table startled them both.

Andromeda Black, Cassiopeia's older cousin, stood there, her expression slightly concerned. "Cassiopeia, may I have a word with you? It's important," she said, her voice hushed.

Cassiopeia glanced up, her dark eyes widening with curiosity. "Of course, Andy. Let's go somewhere private," she replied.

Cassiopeia glanced at Severus, her eyes alight with curiosity as she packed up her things. "I'll be back in a bit, Sev," she promised, before disappearing with Andromeda.

Severus watched them leave, a small pang of loneliness settling in his chest. Left alone, Severus found himself the target of hushed whispers and not-so-subtle glances from the other students. Rumours about James and him had spread like wildfire in the school, after all, it wasn't every day someone found their soulmate.

Pushing these thoughts aside, he focused on finishing his essay. The sound of his quill scratching against parchment filled the silence, and he poured his concentration into his work. With meticulous attention to detail, he soon completed the last sentence, his words flowing smoothly across the page.

As he packed up his belongings, preparing to meet Cassiopeia for dinner in the Great Hall, a familiar voice cut through the air. "Snape," it sneered, dripping with disdain. Severus turned to face him, his arrogant sneer immediately irking him. "Where's your partner, Black?"

"She's with Andromeda," he replied curtly, ready to leave.

But Rabastan wasn't done. "Don't get too ahead of yourself, Snape. Just because you found your soulmate doesn't mean you're suddenly important," he taunted.

He smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "Just a friendly warning, Snape. You're walking on thin ice with your association with Potter. It won't end well for you. They're blood traitors."

Severus clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "I suggest you mind your own business, Lestrange. My personal affairs are just that—personal."

Rabastan's smirk widened, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Of course, Snape. It's just a warning. Just remember your place."

Severus clenched his fists, about to retort, when he heard the familiar voices of James, Sirius, Remus, and the new student he had seen earlier that morning. Their jovial laughter filled the corridor as they approached, unknowingly interrupting the tension between Severus and Rabastan.

James Potter, with his unruly hair and confident stride, was the first to notice the scene. "Severus, there you are!" he exclaimed, a friendly smile on his face. "We've been looking for you. We wanted to introduce you to our new friend and dorm mate, Chance Bartholomew."

Rabastan, sensing the shift in attention, scowled and stepped back, his eyes flickering with annoyance.

James paused as he saw the tension in the air between the two. "What's going on here?" James asked, his gaze focused on Rabastan.

Sealed Bonds (James Potter x Severus Snape)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora