Chapter 8 - Lessons

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The morning sun poured through the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall, warming the long tables filled with students. Severus Snape and Cassiopeia Black, two Slytherin first years, were seated across from each other at the far end of their House table, plates piled high with food.

Cassiopeia was picking at her eggs, her face brightening as she recounted her first night in the Slytherin common room. "The common room is quite lovely, don't you think, Severus?" she asked, her soft voice barely audible above the clamor of the Great Hall. "I especially love the way the light from the lake plays on the ceiling."

Severus, his plate almost empty, nodded. "I enjoyed the quiet," he replied, his voice slightly guarded as he glanced around the hall. "It was... peaceful."

"What class do you think we'll be having first?" Cassiopeia asked. Severus started, "I hope it's—"

Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden burst of gasps and exclamations from the staff table. Turning in unison, they watched in amusement as one by one, the professors' hair began to change color, cycling through an array of rainbow hues.

Professor McGonagall's neat bun became a vibrant red before shifting to a sunny yellow, while Professor Trelawney's few strands of hair became a shocking pink. Even the stern Professor Slughorn wasn't exempt, his hair turning a deep shade of violet.

The hall erupted in laughter, the spectacle too absurd to ignore. But the loudest laughter came from the Gryffindor table. Severus and Cassiopeia followed the sound to find James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and a fourth boy they didn't recognize, all laughing and clapping each other on the back.

"Seems like the Gryffindors have already started with their pranks," Cassiopeia murmured, a faint smile playing on her lips. She didn't sound angry, just mildly amused.

Severus snorted, shaking his head. "And it's only the second day," he said, his gaze lingering on James.



Severus Snape woke up on his second day at Hogwarts, his mind still fuzzy from sleep. As he got ready and made his way towards the Great Hall, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. It was in that moment, as he stepped through the grand doors and into the bustling hall, that he spotted James Potter waiting for him.

Severus' heart skipped a beat as he locked eyes with James, who was beaming at him. James's warm smile melted away any lingering apprehension Severus had. Without hesitation, James walked up to him and pulled him into a tight hug, surprising Severus with the gesture.

"Good morning, Sev!" James greeted him, his voice filled with genuine affection. "I hope you slept well. I couldn't wait to see you today."

Severus blushed, feeling a mixture of delight and embarrassment at James's open display of affection. He mumbled a shy "Good morning" in response, his heart fluttering.

"I couldn't hold back my excitement last night," James continued, his eyes sparkling. "I wrote a letter to my parents, telling them all about our soul mate bond. They're going be thrilled and they will probably ask you to come to our house during the holidays. You'll love them, I promise."

Severus felt a surge of warmth in his chest at the thought of meeting James's parents and being welcomed into his family. But a sudden realization dawned upon him, Severus couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness.

James came from a loving family—a world of warmth and acceptance. Their approval was something to be cherished. However, Severus' own family was a different matter entirely. His parents, particularly his father, were far from loving or supportive. The weight of his family situation pressed heavily on Severus' shoulders. He worried about what James would think? Would he be disappointed? Severus couldn't bear the thought of James looking down on him for the circumstances he was born into.

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