Chapter 7 - Letters

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After the Sorting, as the feast began, Cassiopeia found herself seated next to Severus. She turned to him with a polite smile, her voice soft as she spoke, "Hello, I'm Cassiopeia Black. It's nice to meet you."

Severus glanced at her, his demeanor reserved yet curious. His voice carried a hint of skepticism as he replied, "Severus Snape. I've heard about you from Sirius."

Cassiopeia nodded, her eyes lighting up with intrigue. "And I've heard about you from Remus. Your James' soul mate. Congratulations on sealing your bond by the way. I, for one, am in need of a friend in this house, perphaps we could study together sometime?"

Severus's eyes widened slightly, surprised by her genuine interest in him. He had grown accustomed to being overlooked or misunderstood. "Oh yes, thank you, I'd like that," he replied, his tone softening.

As the evening unfolded, Cassiopeia and Severus discovered a shared passion for potions. Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they discussed the intricacies of the subject. Cassiopeia admired Severus's intelligence, and he found comfort in her genuine kindness.

Their initial meeting had sparked a connection that quickly developed into a friendship. As the night wore on, Severus found himself captivated by Cassiopeia's beauty and grace. And Cassiopeia, in turn, appreciated Severus's quiet strength and sharp wit.

Little did they know that their friendship would grow stronger with time, evolving into a connection that would shape their lives in unexpected ways.


The Sorting Feast was midway, and the Great Hall was abuzz with excited chatter. James Potter, his unruly black hair sticking up in all directions, radiated confidence as he took his place at the Gryffindor table. His friends, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, and Remus Lupin, joined him, their eyes filled with anticipation.

As desert began to appear on the tables, the conversation among the students turned to the topic of soul mates. James leaned back, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. He couldn't resist the opportunity to share his recent revelation with his fellow lions and the rest of the students.

"Hey, listen up, everyone!" James called out, his voice carrying across the hall. The noise began to quiet as curious eyes turned towards him. "I have something important to announce. I've found my soul mate!"

Gasps and murmurs filled the air as surprised whispers spread through the crowd. Sirius, Lily, and Remus exchanged knowing glances, their excitement mounting once again. They had been privy to James and Severus's connection, and they couldn't wait to witness the reactions of their fellow students.

Sirius, unable to contain his enthusiasm, stood up and waved his arms to capture everyone's attention. "Oi, listen up, Gryffindors! James here has discovered his soul mate, and it's none other than our very own Severus Snape!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with unabashed excitement.

The hall erupted into a mix of astonishment, curiosity, and a few giggles. Having found their soul mates was rare and even more so, at 11 years old. It's incredibly difficult. Students turned to each other, their eyes widening with intrigue. Lily, her fiery red hair falling around her face, leaned forward to join the conversation. "I'm curious to what everyone's symbols are. Can we all share and see if we'll have another sealed pair?"

The students began to murmur and examine their own seat mates forearms searching for any signs or connections. Some shared stories of their own encounters. The Great Hall was filled with an air of excitement and curiosity as friendships and connections were forged through the discovery of soul mates.

Meanwhile, James basked in the attention, a proud smile on his face. He turned to look at Severus, his expression a mix of annoyance and endearment.

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