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will pov

Shelby Grace. The orange-haired quiet nerd.

At least that's what people refer to her in this school. I know she's way more than that.

Oh wait! Hi! Sorry, I didn't see you little readers there. Let me introduce myself:

I'm William Gold, also known as Will. I'm 17 years old and am currently in upper sixth. My best friend is this weirdo named George.

In this school, I guess you could say I'm the "attractive popular" guy all the girls crush on? Eh, I don't really know why though. Anyways, least in movies, those guys tend to be dumb, rude, asses, and idiots.

I would like to say I'm not. I do care about my grades, my favorite being History and Geography. My worst being Algebra. Bleh.

I am pretty polite, unless you mess with my family or friends then I am not, but that's understandable.

Well that's a little bit of myself. Now back to what I was saying!

As you saw earlier, I was staring at this girl. Shelby Grace. Who's she?

I can't really tell you since I have never talked to her. But why was I staring?

How could I not! She's fucking gorgeous. And smart. And kind. And friendly. And has the prettiest smile. And has the cutest laugh. And...honestly the list could go on. If you didn't understand what I was hinting on, she's the girl I have a crush on.

Maybe some of you might be thinking, oh if you're so popular then why don't you go up and talk to her? Who am I kidding- you guys are probably not even interested in what I'm saying.

Though if you are, thank you.

Anyways, to answer your thoughts, I CAN'T! Whenever I try to, I end up chickening out! It's so embarrassing because she always looks at me weird when I run away from her. Also, she would never like me.

You'll never know unless you try. Shelby is way too good for me. So there is no point in trying.

Oh, and what about all the other girls in the school? I could care less about them. My friends think I'm crazy for it, especially when I ignore the popular "hot" girls, like Ashley and her friend group.

The only person who knows about my crush on Shelby is George. He's not like all of our other friends who really just care about popularity and girls. That's why he's my best friend.

But he's met this girl named Savannah, who as well goes to our school, and they've been on a few dates. So lately I haven't had much time to hang out with him outside of school. But Savannah is super sweet and nice, so I'm happy for him.

"Dude." A voice says behind me, that I know of to be George's, and it breaks my out my trance. "You should be less subtle with your staring. You know what would happen if Jake found out who your crush is."

Jake is one of the guys in our friend group. Like George was saying, if he found out that I liked Shelby, he would go crazy. First, he'd probably lecture me for liking a "girl like her" when I could have Ashley. Then he'd tell all our other friends. Then he'd tell the whole school. Which then would make Shelby know and that would be horrible.

"Remind me why we're friends with all of them?" I say.

"Will, you're the one who let them sit with us at lunch. Despite me telling you not to." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Okay!" I put my hands up. "Sorry. I couldn't say no."

"You are way too nice. You should really learn how to fix that. It won't do you any good in life if you keep on being like that." I groan.

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