Pillows and Pancakes

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will pov

I woke up, hugging my pillow close to my chest. As soon as I did, I realized how uncomfortable my position was and rubbed my eyes to wake myself up. I let go of my pillow and stretch my arms and legs out.

OH! That's why my back hurts. I'm sleeping on the sofa! I turn to my right and see Tommy sleeping with his mouth open, snoring, and I laugh.

I then remember what happened last night. We watched Hamilton. With Shelby. She came to my house. Wow. I kind of thought it was a dream.

I pick up my phone from the floor beside me and check my messages to see if Shelby had said anything about her leaving, and surprisingly, there was nothing.

Although there was a text message from my mom. It said:

your dad and i are staying overnight with your grandma. she just has flu. youll have to take tommy to school. and dont be late!! love you guys

"Will?" I immediately fall off the sofa from the startlement and looked around me frantically to see where the voice came from.

"Are you okay?!" The voice said again. I notice it coming to the left of me and jerk my head around. My eyes widen when I see who it is.

"Shelby?!" I shout in question. I still hear Tommy's snores, meaning that he somehow was still asleep. Gosh, he really is a heavy sleeper. "You're still here?"

"Yeah, I guess. We must've all fallen asleep. Wait. What time is it?! We still have school!" She panics. I check my phone and sigh in relief.

"6:17." I tell her.

"Thank god." She breathes out.

Wait. A. Fucking. Second. I glance up to the couch I was laying on and realize...there was no fucking pillow! That fucking means...oh god. Hopefully she didn-

"Were you hugging me while we slept? Cause I could've sworn that I felt arms wrapped around me before." She questions.

"Fuck." I mutter. "Yeah, I think so. Sorry. I didn't mean to." She smiles at me.

"It's fine. I should go home now." She starts to get up from the couch, straightening the top of her hair after, but I stop her.

"You can just stay. I mean, you have your school stuff already, and I can make us all breakfast, and I kind of need to drop of Tommy before I go to school and a car would be very useful." I say.

She gasps. "Wow. Are you just friends with me because I can drive?"

"I would never!" I dramatically state. The two of us start laughing.

"I still need a change of clothes thou-"

"You can borrow mine." I interrupt. "U-uh sorry. You don't have to ob-obviously." I stutter out from embarrassment. I sounded so desperate. I'm an IDIOT!

"It's cool. Sure. I'll just borrow some clothes if you have anything remotely close to my size." Thank god she didn't think I was crazy. Actually. She probably thinks I'm psycho but is too nice to say it to my face.

"That may be a problem...how about a hoodie of mine and then I can get one of my mom's pants. It's definitely closer to your size." I suggest.

She nods. "That sounds good. Let's hope it won't look stupid."

I chuckle and get up from the floor then head upstairs to my parents' room.

I slide open their closet and pick out one of my mom's black sweatpants. My mom wasn't short, but she wasn't tall, and I remember these sweatpants being small on her.

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