
111 4 37

will pov

Global History is not a bad class. But today, it's so fucking boring. We have a subsitute teacher, and normally you would be excited about that, right? 

But this MAN. Talks like a stupid sloth. So fucking slow and it makes me want to fall asleep. The only reason I haven't fallen asleep yet is because I keep thinking back to the pancake place. 

There was nothing that happened that is really worth mentioning, ALTHOUGH. I was taking a bite of my pancake, and it has whipped cream on it, so when I took a bite, the whipped cream got on my face and Shelby laughed at me.

Then she called me cute. Her exact words being, "Awh. You look so cute. You look like a little baby."

Sure, she meant baby cute and not attractive cute, but same thing. Eh. Not really. But I'll take it!


Final-fucking-ly. I heard everyone in class sigh in relief, me as well, and we all rushed out. 

Before heading to my next class, which was in fact Algebra (YES!), I went to my locker to switch my previous classes' textbooks with my next 2 classes' textbooks. 

"Hola mi amigo." I heard George say, gradually getting louder as he got closer. Every time he meets me at my locker after my Global History class, he says something in Spanish because that was what class he had just finished.

"Du bist so langweilig, um Spanisch zu nehmen." I say. "Deutsch ist eine bessere sprache."

"What does that mean?" George asked, confused. 

"If you had taken German you would've known." I laugh as he rolls his eyes and I close my locker. "Les' go."

"So." He drags the "o". "Second day of sitting next to Shelby." He wiggles his eyebrows as I groan.

"You are so embarrassing. Oh. And I also have a LOT to tell you at lunch." 

"Tell me now!!" He whines like a wittle bwaby. 

"No. You have to wait until later." I snicker and speed walk the rest of the way to Algebra, which was just a few feet away. I rush to my seat before George could catch up to me and wave to him when he walks past my table. He sticks his tongue out at me before sitting down next to Savannah.

"What's up with the two of you?" I hear Shelby's voice to my left. I turn my head around and see her sitting down in her seat. When did she get here?

"Who?" I say in confusion.

"You and George."

"Oh, uh. Nothing. He's just- he's just mad that I didn't, uhm, give him his money back?" I accidentally answered it as a question. God, I'm so stupid.

"Yeah, okay. I don't believe that at all, but I won't push it." She laughs. I was going to say "thank you", but Mr. Sullivan walked in before I could.

He seemed...disappointed. Which was normal. For our class atleast.

"I graded your tests from before your seats were change, and, must I say-" He took off he glasses and placed them on the table, which confirmed that they were bad. "I expected better from you guys. You're lucky that this test does not count for much. I'll be handing them back, look them over and come up to me if you have any questions." 

Mr. Sullivan took the stack of papers from his desk and started walking around the room. I was getting kind of nervous. I mean, my grades for Algebra aren't normally bad, but they aren't the best either. He started at our side of the room, so Shelby and I got ours early.


That's what I got. Not bad...for Algebra. I just scanned through my test, looking at my mistakes, which were really dumb ones, but the day we took the test, I was rushing to finish because I just wanted to get it done with.

I glance over to my left to look at Shelby, and I see her looking at her test with her huge smile on her face. "You seem happy." I say cheerfully. I know I got a C+, which isn't the best grade, but seeing Shelby so happy made me happy.

"Yeah! I got an A+." 

"Good job! Your parents must be really proud of you." I say, smiling.

"O-oh. Uh, yeah. They are." She stuttered out. My eyebrows knit together in confusiong, but I just assume that it was an accident. "C+ is good too." She says, pointing to my test.

"Oh please. You know it isn't. You're just saying that." 

"Okay...maybe, but still. It's better than an F. And you seem fine with it." I shrug. "Oh, by the way. Thank you for the clothes again. I've nearly fallen asleep, like, twice in these though."

"Hey. You can't blame me for that. Blame the maker of those clothes."

"Oh okay. Do you have their number so I can complain?" She jokes, nudging me with her shoulder. I roll my eyes playfully and turn my head away...definitely not because I'm blushing.

"I think I've given you enough time to look over your tests, so let's get to learning." Everyone in the class groans, except for Shelby. "Don't worry. We aren't doing much learning today.


Sorry for this chapter not being too interesting. It's just a filler really.

Is Love Worth It (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें