Chapter 4 Midnight Rendezvous

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The next morning, Hana woke up with Roman's arms still wrapped tightly around her, his bare chest against her back. She could feel his slow breaths on her neck.

Carefully, Hana rolled over to look at him. Roman was sleeping deeply, his features relaxed. Hana took in every detail of his face - his strong jaw, the purple markings on his face. Even asleep he had a powerful energy that excited her.

Unable to stop herself, Hana softly touched his cheek. Her light touch made Roman's eyes open slowly. He seemed confused at first then smiled when he saw her.

"Good morning, Hana," he said in a gravelly just-woke-up voice.

"Morning," Hana replied, blushing a little.

Roman pulled her closer, stroking her hair and back. Hana nuzzled into his neck, breathing in his earthy scent.

For a while they just held each other, enjoying the feeling. The steady beat of Roman's heart soothed Hana. She wished they could stay like this forever.

But eventually Roman got a pained look on his face. "As much as I want to stay with you, I have duties as the leader of the Dark Signers to attend to," he said regretfully.

Hana understood. "The kids at the orphanage probably miss me too."

Roman tilted her chin up and kissed her forehead for a long moment. "Last night was incredible, but now we have to get back to our responsibilities."

"I know," Hana said sadly. She kissed him softly, trying to remember how his lips felt.

Reluctantly they got out of bed. Hana stretched, feeling a bit sore between her legs. They got dressed and Roman led her through the dim halls of the Dark Signer lair. Hana stayed close, occasionally touching his arm since she didn't want to lose all contact yet.

Stepping outside, Hana blinked against the sudden brightness and breathed in the stale, smog-filled air. Just a few blocks away, she could see the Daedalus Bridge stretching partially across the inlet dividing Satellite from New Domino City.

Hana turned to Roman, her eyes searching his. "When will I see you again?" she asked, unable to hide the longing in her voice.

Roman cupped her cheek, his thumb gently stroking her skin. "Soon, Hana. Very soon. I'll be waiting for you here."

Hana smiled at his words. "I'll see you soon then." She rose up on her toes and pressed her lips to his in a final, lingering kiss.

Roman wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as he returned the kiss intensely. All the passion and desire from the night before reignited in that moment. Hana savored the feel of his mouth on hers and the taste of his lips.

When they finally broke apart, Hana's heart ached, not wanting this to be their last kiss. Looking up at Roman, she saw a matching yearning in his eyes.

"Go on," he said softly, releasing her from his embrace. "I'll be thinking of you until we meet again."

Hana stepped back slowly. Their hands clung together for a second longer before she forced herself to let go. She walked away but glanced back over her shoulder every few steps.

Roman stood unmoving where she had left him, watching her small figure retreat into the distance, his dark cloak flapping around him in the wind. Even from afar, Hana could feel his piercing gaze following her until she disappeared from view.

As Hana made her way home, broken sidewalks littered with trash and debris passed under her feet. In the distance, smoke billowed from factory smokestacks day and night, cloaking the streets in a perpetual haze. Makeshift houses cobbled together from scrap metal and plywood leaned against each other, as if hoping mutual support might keep them all from collapsing.

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