Chapter 7 - Love Conquers Fate

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In the streets of Satellite, Martha, Rally and the others suddenly reappeared in flashes of light, freed from Roman's control. Martha blinked in bewilderment. "What...I'm saved?" She placed a hand to her head, disoriented. But relief swiftly turned to maternal worry for Yusei's safety.

Back at the Dark Signers lair, Crow, Trudge, Leo, Luna, and Hana gathered anxiously at the edge of the deep Ener-D pit, desperate eyes scanning the colorful light for any sign of Yusei.

"Do you see him?" Leo asked nervously, squinting into the shadows. Luna clasped her hands, praying under her breath. Trudge shook his head grimly.

Suspended in the endless void, Yusei drifted aimlessly, no sense of direction. Suddenly, a faint light appeared, beckoning him. Drawn towards it, Yusei walked through the darkness until he came upon a misty riverbank shrouded in white light. An ethereal figure materialized before him.

"You do not belong to this world yet," it spoke gently. "Yusei, there is still much for you to do back in the Satellite sector."

"Hey who are you?" Yusei asked.

"Someone not to be questioned," were his final words before dissipating into light.

"No, please don't go!" Yusei cried out, arm extended futilely. A brilliant glow erupted from the depths of the Ener-D, spiriting Yusei upwards. His friends gasped, shielding their eyes.

As the radiant light faded, Yusei emerged floating within it, eyes closed and face serene, as if in a deep tranquil trance. The gentle glow lifted him up before slowly setting him down before his companions.

"Yusei, you're back!" Luna cried out in relief, rushing up to embrace him.

Yusei's body went limp as the light disappeared. Trudge and Crow quickly moved to support him.

"Whoa, easy there," Crow said as he grabbed Yusei's arm.

"We got you, don't worry," Trudge added, taking Yusei's other side.

At the sound of their voices, Yusei finally stirred and opened his eyes.

"Ugh...what happened?" he murmured.

"That light brought you back to us," Luna explained, tears of joy in her eyes.

Hana let out a relieved sob, embracing Yusei. "I'm so glad you're alright," she said tearfully.

Comprehension dawned on Yusei's face. "The King of the Netherworld! He's approaching, we have to hurry and stop him!" he urged.

Understanding the severe threat, the group rushed outside with Yusei and Hana. As they looked around anxiously, thoughts of Roman filled Hana's mind. Overcome with grief, she collapsed to her knees on the ground, weeping bitterly.

Yusei immediately went to her and knelt down, tenderly wrapping his arms around her shaking shoulders. "It's alright, just let it out," he said gently as she clung to him.

Hana cried inconsolably into his chest, dampening his shirt with her anguished tears. Yusei held her close, one hand gently stroking her hair while the other rubbed soothing circles on her back.

Nearby, Crow and Trudge looked on sadly, neither judging Hana for her forbidden affair. Luna hugged her brother, both deeply moved by the tragic romance.

"I know you cared for him," Yusei murmured. "This isn't fair to either of you." His voice was full of empathy.

After several minutes, Hana's loud, heaving sobs gradually quieted down to soft sniffles. She kept her head resting against Yusei's tear-dampened shirt as he continued to embrace her in a soothing silence.

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