The best show ever

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From what started out as an empty stage with indistinguishable chatter turned into a bright orange filled room with moving beams of light that focused on the center of the stage and screaming fans that anyone could here from a mile away. The show had officially begun. There were flashes of vibrantly colored lights in which some of them blinded me. Now I never understood why people cried when a concert started until I was the one crying. I couldn't control my hysterical reaction to seeing a boy band preform songs for 2 hours. I was crying over a boy band. But it only got worse from there. The highlights of their songs started to play and when you thought everybody couldn't scream any louder, they did. And I didn't even notice I was screaming along with them until I could feel myself having trouble breathing.

Then, the guitar starts. A deep rhythmic echo of various chords plays an undetectable song that gets the crowd over the moon excited. But it didn't stop me from being the same way. Not to mention Dorothea being the loudest one there by far. You can imagine how it sounded standing right next to her. The beginning of one of their songs starts to play at the same time as the screens flash with a sequence of montages of the band and artwork representing the theme of the whole tour itself. As soon as you got excited over the video, the back center of the stage starts to lift up to reveal 4 silhouettes and a foggy overflow. It was all happening so fast that your brain couldn't process fast enough. You thought this isn't real. This is all a dream. But it isn't and when you realized that, you knew that today, right now was the best day you've experienced in the entire world.

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