The after math

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⚠️explicit wording⚠️

A bit after the show ended, with the stadium just about empty, me and Harry continued talking. We got to know each other a little bit. Well he got to know about me as his whole life is on the internet. I said goodbye to Dorothea and told her I would keep in touch and that I had an awesome time with her. She agreed. I would've never thought in my lifetime that a celebrity (that is very VERY cute) would want to talk to me. I have always been a shy person even in my own house. I think it's best if you just keep quiet rather than say too much if you want to have others think of you in a positive way. But this, this right here showed that none of that mattered as long as you are confident with yourself and that it's perfectly fine to take a chance even though it might not turn out the way you hoped. But in my case, everything went perfect. Very unexpected, at least in my mind.

All of the other band mates had gone backstage probably sleeping every minute they could before the clean up process would begin. I would assume that Harry would want the same, but he's different. Not in some dumb, medical meaning of different, a good different that almost made me think that he isn't one of those snotty celebrities who only try to become famous for the attention and the money. Once I mentioned that I had to get going as I had a flight to get to tomorrow afternoon his facial expressions saddened, as if he never wanted me to leave his sight. That he never wanted to stop looking at my rich brown eyes that he loved oh so much and that made me feel something inside, sort of warm and fuzzy, like a sense of being wanted which I didn't get very much of as a little kid. I offered to give him my number knowing very well that there was less than 1% chance that he would actually take it. I felt comfortable with that because the second I started talking to him, I finally felt like myself. "Hey, I know this is kind of a long shot but would you like to exchange numbers? I promise not to give it out to anyone and besides I have like 2 friends so you can't trust me" "Yes I would very much like that. I really love your personality and I think that we could be great friends. But don't tell any of the others they would go insane if I was doing something like this with a fan." I giggled at that comment. Harry always found a way to make anyone laugh. Yet another I grew to love about him. "And why don't you cancel that flight of yours. We have a private jet that takes us back to America and you won't have to deal with all those fans flying back. What do you say?" I was speechless to this offer like I physically could not make words come out of my mouth. I had to think, would my mom be mad that I got on a plane with 4 strangers? What would the other members say about this? Would Harry get in trouble? I think he noticed that I was processing because he said "it's ok love, don't worry if you can't I totally understand if you're not 100% sure but if you do decide to tag along with us, meet me back here in the front at 8:00 a.m. It was an honor meeting you." The fact that he called me love made my heart want to pop out of my chest and hug him so tight he couldn't breathe. "Thank you so much! I would love to come with you guys I just have to make sure it's ok with my mother. And trust me, it was more of an honor meeting you. Have a nice night." "You too beautiful." I internally screamed about his last comment. But that is sure one hell of way to end a perfect night and you know very well that I will be back here tomorrow morning.

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