The sunset

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We took a few hours just enjoying the food, watching the sunset and internally obsessing over each other until it got dark. We headed home with a little more than just the thought of the amazing date.

"Y/n you look so beautiful. But you know what would make this amazing day any better?"

"What do you think would make today better?" I said smirking knowing very well the answer to the question.

"I think after eating all that savory food I need something....... Sweet."

"You know now that I think about it I am craving some dessert right about now. What about you?"

Harry laughs at my attempt to make a good comeback to his wishes and rushes over to me. He kisses so perfectly like a gentle puppy. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Sorry for the wait of completing this imagine. This is the last part but don't worry there are more stories to come! I hope you enjoyed and please comment what you would like to see. Thank you so much for the reads. 🫶

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