That moment

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It had been almost 2 hours of pure enjoyment and screaming your heart out to every single second of every song and the last song had just started. Most of the concert  the band messed around and never stood in 1 place, but for some odd reason they all stood over where your section was to sing their last song. And you would not believe who stood 3 feet right in front of you. It was Harry. The entire 3 and a half minutes they sang that song, Harry sat there by the microphone staring into your deep brown eyes which you always thought made you look insecure. But Harry seemed to think otherwise.

When everyone finished celebrating and continuously ruining their voices as well as their eardrums, it was time to leave. But out of the thousands of people standing around Harry still managed to stare at you and so with that same feeling of confidence when you were in the line, you asked, "hey! Do I look funny or do I have something on my face because you have been staring at me for a good while." This quickly got his attention which led to him showing his sexy smirk that everyone raved about and I understood why. "No not anything like that, love. I just thought your complexion is quite unique and those eyes are exquisite." This made me blush so hard I probably looked like a cherry but I didn't care about that. THE Harry styles was telling me that I looked beautiful. That was all I could ever ask for. "Well thank you very much Mr. Styles. I could say the same about you but I don't want to come off as an obsessive fan." "Well, are you?" "You're going to have to figure that out for yourself once you get to know me." This is when I thought there is nothing left to loose if I just put myself out there. So, that's exactly what I did. Somewhere deep inside I felt this indescribable feeling that made me feel like I was floating on a cloud and didn't want to come down. Some mix of nerves and exhilaration flowed quick throughout my blood which turned into butterflies. It was a new feeling for me, especially for a boy.

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