Magical morning

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Sorry for the delayed release I've had a bit of a writers block. But I hope you enjoy! More to come.

As soon as I got to my wet sock and a dusty library smelling hotel, I quickly packed all my things aside from my toiletries so I wouldn't be late tomorrow morning. It was hard to fall asleep because of how overly excited I was but as soon as I found myself dozing off, all I could think about was that concert and that 1 amazing conversation with Harry. I don't think I will ever forget that very moment.

-The next morning-

I originally had an alarm set for 6:00 a.m but I assumed I got knocked out from the night before because I woke up at 7:30. When I groggily checked the time on my phone instant anxiety and alert set in and I got ready as fast as I could. I was never EVER late for anything even if it's the tiniest thing on earth but this, I absolutely could not be late for and somehow I was. I don't think I've ever run out of a hotel faster than today and I don't think I've ever yelled at an Uber driver to go as fast as he could. But I guess I never understood how much power celebrities have because the "Uber" driver responded "Wow y/n you really sound like your in a hurry to see someone. Sounds special." I quickly looked up to see Harry's smirking face in the rear view mirror. I started to laugh to the point where I couldn't breathe. It was probably replacing my internal screaming that would be quite embarrassing to let out right in front of Harry. There was also the fact that he remembered my name after I had mentioned it maybe once. But back to the point that Harry styles went out of his way to become my Uber driver and personally come pick me up as well as dodging all paparazzi on the way over. I felt that same warm feeling like you just took your first sip of hot chocolate in December. But I also subconsciously felt the need to look perfect so I wouldn't embarrass myself. As if I was nervous and there was no particular reason for it. "Did you seriously pretend to be and Uber driver just to pick up a fan that you met yesterday?" "Are you mad about it?" "No. No not at all. I mean who could complain about Harry Styles coming to pick you up and take you to fly with him and his band. I see nothing wrong about this little gesture." "Well good because these surprises will never go away as long as we are friends." He just called us friends. A 21 year old nobody who so happened to go see a boy band.

This story will forever live inside my brain. After this the rest was history, but not the bad "I want to forget it ever happened" type of history, the type were you want to have a special section to store every minute spent together and never forget it. Now I think that is how real, strong love should feel like. Harry will always be my soulmate and best friend.

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