Chapter 13

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Brawler - Part 1

The small saloon was abuzz with chatter as Jake Carson, disguised as a regular patron, quietly ate his meal. The atmosphere quickly changed when a hulking figure with massive muscles entered the establishment. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to the imposing stranger.

It was clear that this man was trouble, and an air of fear gripped the saloon's occupants. But Jake knew that this was not the right place nor time to confront the danger. He decided to leave quietly and discreetly.

As he made his way towards the exit, the strange guy stepped in front of him, blocking his path. The stranger's sinister smile sent shivers down the spines of those around them, but Jake remained calm.

"I just left something in my home," Jake said, trying to feign nonchalance.

The strange guy's leering grin remained, but he reluctantly stepped aside, allowing Jake to leave. Once out of sight, Jake quickly slipped into an alley, where he knew he could transform into Kamen Rider Gun Slinger without being seen.

"HENSHIN!" he called out, and in a flash of light, he emerged as the gunslinger hero, ready to face the mysterious adversary.

As he returned to the saloon entrance, the strange guy stood there, still smirking. Gun Slinger knew that this was no ordinary opponent. There was something peculiar about him—something that made him different from any foe he had faced before.

"Who are you?" Gun Slinger demanded, his voice steady despite the unease in his heart.

The strange guy, undeterred, stepped forward and responded in a deep, gravelly voice, "They used to call me Brawler. An outlaw presumed dead... until now."

As he spoke, the truth became clear to Gun Slinger—Brawler was no ordinary human. His body had been strangely mutated, granting him an uncanny immunity to bullets, even without any visible armor.

Gun Slinger raised his weapon and took aim, determined to take down this formidable opponent. He fired, but to his shock, the bullets didn't even scratch Brawler's skin.

A cold realization washed over Gun Slinger—the fight ahead would be unlike any he had faced before. Brawler was a living, breathing force of nature, seemingly invulnerable to conventional attacks.

The gunslinger hero steeled himself, knowing that he had to find a way to defeat Brawler and protect the innocent from this new threat.

As the tense standoff continued, Gun Slinger braced himself for the challenge that lay ahead. Brawler's dark presence loomed over the saloon, and Gun Slinger's resolve burned brighter than ever. He was prepared to face this mysterious adversary head-on, knowing that the fate of the city hung in the balance.

Brawler - Part 2

With bullets proving ineffective against the formidable Brawler, Kamen Rider Gun Slinger braced himself for a hand-to-hand showdown with the seemingly invulnerable foe. Accepting Brawler's challenge, he knew that this battle would test not only his strength but also his resourcefulness and determination.

As Brawler charged at him with overwhelming force, Gun Slinger skillfully evaded the powerful blows, using his agility and combat training to stay one step ahead. However, each punch from Brawler seemed like a battering ram, capable of causing immense damage.

Gun Slinger continued to fire his weapon, despite knowing that the bullets wouldn't harm his opponent. He did this to create distance, hoping to find a strategy to exploit Brawler's vulnerability.

"Come on! Fight me like a man!" Brawler taunted, his voice filled with malevolence.

Gun Slinger recognized that Brawler was goading him into a close-quarters confrontation, where the hulking outlaw had the upper hand. He knew that he had to be cautious, as any opening could prove disastrous.

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