Chapter 25

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As the Manhunt was still ongoing. The Lawmen will finally track down Hex. Hex on the other hand, he was scared to be arrested summon his minions to fight the Lawmen. The Lawmen on the other hand are starting to get outnumbered. Jake responds to the call.

With the arrival of Kamen Rider Gun Slinger, the tides of the battle shifted dramatically. Gun Slinger's determination and unwavering resolve allowed him to swiftly take down Hex's minions with ease. His Rider powers and combat skills proved to be a force to be reckoned with, and he fought valiantly against the malevolent magician.

Hex, realizing that he was cornered and outnumbered, grew desperate. He summoned the last of his minions to aid him in his attempt to escape the clutches of the lawmen and Kamen Rider Gun Slinger. The chaos ensued as the battle intensified, with the minions wreaking havoc and creating distractions to hinder their pursuers.

Gun Slinger, undeterred by the chaos, focused on Hex himself. With precise and agile movements, he managed to dodge the attacks from Hex's remaining minions and made his way closer to the evil magician. Hex tried to strike back with his dark magic, but Gun Slinger was prepared. He skillfully deflected the attacks, showing his prowess in battle.

As the battle raged on, Gun Slinger saw through Hex's tricks and illusions, proving to be one step ahead of the malevolent magician at every turn. He countered Hex's dark magic with the power of his Rider abilities, leaving Hex frustrated and defeated.

Finally, with the city lawmen supporting him, Gun Slinger executed his finishing move, the powerful "RIDER KICK!" Hex couldn't escape the relentless force of Gun Slinger's attack, and he was defeated, unable to continue his reign of terror.

The lawmen swiftly moved in to apprehend Hex, finally putting an end to his sinister schemes. The people of the city breathed a sigh of relief as they witnessed the capture of the notorious magician who had brought fear and chaos to their streets.

With Hex finally arrested and the city safe once more, Gun Slinger received a hero's welcome from the grateful citizens and law enforcement. He had proven himself to be a true protector of the city, willing to face any danger to keep its people safe.

As Gun Slinger stood tall, the city knew that they could count on their masked hero whenever darkness threatened to cast its shadow. He had become a symbol of hope and courage, inspiring all to stand up against evil and protect their home.

With the defeat of Black Hand Hex, the city could finally rest easy, knowing that their protector was always on guard, ready to face any new threat that might arise. The legend of Kamen Rider Gun Slinger continued to grow, and the people knew that as long as he was around, their city would always be safe.

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