Ch 7

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'No, I'm not drunk nor I've gone crazy but heartbroken.'

He smiled sadly. 'What happened?' You asked, confused as you're seeing him broken for the first time. 'My girlfriend cheated on me. Not once but twice.' 'Twice? Why?' He sighed, wiping his lone tears.

'Maybe I couldn't satisfy her or maybe I don't deserve to be loved. Since childhood I've been alone. Though I've but they don't have any role in my life. Afterall I was a mistake of their deeds.'

Your eyes soften. 'Mistake?' 'They're arranged by my grandparents and they never loved each other. Dad tried his best to work on this marriage but mom never liked him but uses him in every way. Like this 'accidentally' mom had me and gave birth only because my grandma requested her.

I wished mom hadn't listened to her and killed me before I came to this cruel world.' He sniffed gulping that hard liquor. 'I understand, they can't force their feelings to love each other nor they're bound to but what's my fault? Did I ask to come into this world? If they couldn't take care of me then 

they would've send me to any orphanage. At Least being orphan is less painful than having parents who don't give a fuck to you. Since then I became cold and reserved. I started hating women because of my mom. But one girl made my heart fluttered, Jia.'

'First we're best friends and then lovers. She was everything for me, she was the one who gave me the love I craved for. She taught me what love is. But at the end, she also left me like my parents.

I so helplessly loved her that even after I caught her red handed cheating on me, I gave her another chance only being afraid of being alone. But again she repeated the same thing but this time before I could leave her, she left me saying she has found someone richer than me.' He chuckled sadly as your eyes got teary.

'And guess what? Till now she loved my money, not me.' He suddenly started crying holding your hands. 'Am I that much useless to this world? Am I not enough? Why don't I deserve a little love?' He begged the person to answer who herself was searching for. 

Today you got to know that you're not alone. There are many people like you begging to know these answers. They're trying their best to live and love others but again in return what they got? Betrayal. You hugged him as he broke down in your embrace crying his heart out. 

You don't know what to do as you cried silently. 'I had enough. I'm tired of this world. I want to live far away from this cruel world. I've no reason to live anymore.' He cried as your eyes widened listening to his words. You pulled away from the hug before cupping his face.

'Why're you gonna end your life for those who never cared for you once? Why're you crying for those who don't have any existence in your life?' He looked at you confused. 'What're you saying?''I also don't have anyone. 

Like you I'm also alone in this big world. But that's dosen't mean we'll leave this world only because we're alone. They're enjoying their life making us miserable, then what's our fault? Why we'll punish us? Can't we show them that we can live without those betrayers?  

We'll prove them, we aren't that weak to be defeated by them. We'll live on our own, without them. Yes, we both are also at fault. Though we don't love but you can't deny the fact that we cheated on each other. We destroyed this beautiful promise of marriage. 

And now we're facing the karma. That's dosen't mean our lives end here. We can start our journey again with a new beginning, don't lose hope. I'm with you, as your friend.' You said caressing his hand as he looked at with guilty before kneeling and holding your legs.

'I'm s-sorry Yn.. I know there's no forgiveness for my sin.. b-but still I beg your forgiveness shamelessly.. how can I hurt a angel like you?.. You saved me today.. I'm grateful to you for rest of my life.. can you forgive a like me?' He was crying mess.You sighed making him stand as you hugged him. 

'It's ok, I forgive you. I'm also sorry for cheating on you not knowing your truth. I shouldn't have believe that bastard and waited for you. Forgive me..' you cried silently as he looked at you confused. 'With whom do you cheated? Do you also had boyfriend? If you had then don't be sorry for that, but did he also cheated on you?' 

You silently nodded. 'Who's that bastard?' But again you remained silent don't know how to say him as cried. 'It's ok, you don't need to tell, you can share whenever you feel comfortable. We're friends right?' You nodded as he wiped your tears. 'Let's go home, it's quite late now.' 'I don't wanna go back to that house, you can go.'  

'How can you leave you alone here at this hour? Ok fine. If you want to spend night here let's spend together. I'm also not going.' 'But-' 'No buts, let's forget our pain today, wanna drink with me?' You sighed and shook your head. 'Sorry I can't.' 'But why? Is there any problem?'

Again you kept silent not wanting to tell him as he but maybe later. He's already going through a lot and now if he got to know about your affairs with his father he surely gonna get worse. 'Nothing like that, actually I don't drink.' He sighed and started drinking. After few hours he got totally wasted as he kept chanting Jia's name.

He really loved her, you thought as you take him to a room and laid him down. You're about to go when he pulled you closer and you landed on him. Suddenly he hugged you making you gasped. 'Don't leave me mom, I missed you.' He mumbled weeping on your shoulder as

you sighed and laid beside him.You felt sad seeing him like this. He snuggled in your embrace feeling warmth as you chuckled at his cuteness. You caressed his hairs as he drifted to his dreamland holding you tight. Shrugging off your worries you also went to your slumber. 

[Next morning at Jeon mansion]

Jk went to your room but got no sign of you. 'Didn't she came back last night? Where can she go?' Leaving your room he searched whole mansion but failed to find you. He called you many times but seeing you not picking made him tensed.

'How can she left without informing me?'

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